
This listing contains biographies of various faculty, staff, alumni and other connected to the University of Northern Iowa and its predecessors.

Please note that this is not a complete list of all UNI faculty and staff. For more information on faculty, please consult the Faculty Roster or contact the Special Collections & University Archives staff.

Displaying 1 - 1094 of 1094


Dancer Hall Custodian
Biology Faculty
Food Service Staff
Business Office Staff
Mail Center Clerk
Geography Faculty
Counseling Staff; Library Staff
Political Science Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Purchasing Department Clerk
Laboratory School Faculty
Library Faculty
Sociology Faculty
Biology Faculty
Registrar Staff
College of Business Administration Staff
Laboratory Technician
Laboratory School Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Business Education Faculty
Boiler Plant Operator
Social Work Faculty
Marketing and Public Relations Staff
Library Assistant II, Rod Library
Education Faculty
Natural Science Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Library Faculty
Political Leader


Industrial Arts Faculty
Campus Services Supervisor
Biology Faculty
English Faculty
Board of Education
Music Faculty
Food Service Staff
Laboratory School Staff
Custodial Supervisor
Music Faculty
Cooperative Education Staff
Public Safety Officer
History Faculty
Education Faculty
Music Faculty
Accounting Faculty
Custodial Supervisor
Registrar and Director of Technical Services and Planning
Music Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Physics Faculty
Friend of the University
Food Service
Art Department Secretary
Dean of Students
Grounds Maintenance Staff
Owner of Berg's College Drug Store
Physical Plant Staff
Intercollegiate Athletics Staff
Transportation Staff
Mail Center Staff
Library Faculty
Music Faculty
Word Processing Supervisor
Institutional Research
Education Faculty
Bartlett Hall Housekeeper
Psychology Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Building Services Staff
Accounting Faculty
Business Education Faculty
School of Music Secretary
Businessman, Philanthropist
Food Service Staff
Food Service Staff
Business Manager
Music Faculty
Dean of Continuing Education
Education Faculty
Lawther Hall Secretary
Physical Plant Staff
Health Center Nursing Coordinator
Physical Education Faculty
Bartlett Hall Matron
Purchasing Agent
Maintenance Staff
Wrestling Coach
Education Faculty
Speech Faculty
Physical Plant Staff
Professor, Sociology, Anthropology and Criminology
Management Faculty
Education Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Manual Arts Faculty
Education Faculty
Sociology Faculty
Laboratory School Secretary
Sports Information Director
Communication Studies Faculty
Management Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
English Faculty
Dean, College of Humanities and Fine Arts
Carillonneur; Music Staff


Science Faculty
English Faculty
Health Center Physician
Laboratory School Faculty
Laboratory School Librarian
Rural Education Faculty
Dean of Women
Assistant to the Vice President
Education Faculty
History Faculty
Public Relations Staff
Physical Plant Staff
Construction Project Manager/Inspector
Chemistry Stockroom Supervisor
Geography Faculty
Physical Education Faculty
Geography Faculty
Sociology Faculty
Biology Faculty
Associate Professor, Ethnic and Cultural Studies
Heating Plant Staff
Laboratory School Staff
Music Faculty
Art Faculty
Physical Plant Director
Health Services Staff
Education Department Head
International Studies Staff
Mathematics professor
Speech Faculty
Director of Purchasing
Financial Aid Staff
History Faculty
State senator, Lt. Governor
Faculty, Special Education
Laboratory School Faculty
English Faculty
Education Faculty
Adjunct Faculty, Earth Science
Education Faculty
Philosophy and Religion Faculty
Business Education Faculty
EOP Staff, Alumnus
Laboratory School Head
Alumna, Political Leader


English Faculty
Board of Regents Executive Secretary
Laboratory School Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Building Services Coordinator
Noehren Hall Custodian
Biology Faculty
Music Faculty
Faculty, Educational Psychology and Foundations
English Faculty
Campus Ministry Staff
Education Faculty
Finance Staff
Education Faculty
Business Faculty
College of Education Secretary
Education Faculty
Assistant Professor & Librarian at Malcolm Price Laboratory School
Marketing Faculty
Coach, Physical Education Faculty
Commons Kitchen Helper
Plant Services Staff
Military Science Faculty
Alumni Services Staff
Grounds Supervisor
Student Teaching Coordinator
Sociology Faculty
Library Associate
Counseling Department Clerk
Business Education Faculty
Business Education Faculty
Biology Faculty
Education Faculty
Physical Plant Staff
Custodial staff
Education Faculty
Education Faculty
Football Coach
Admissions Records Analyst
Anthropology Faculty


College of Education Faculty
Commons Hostess
Communicative Disorders Faculty
Dean, College of Humanities and Fine Arts
Assistant Basketball Coach
Rural Education Faculty
Plant Services Staff
History Faculty
Biology Faculty
Academic Advising Staff
Education Faculty
Education Faculty
Associate Registrar
Government Faculty
Public Relations Staff
Education Faculty
Education Faculty
Bureau of Research Staff
Business Faculty
Public Safety Director


English Faculty
History Faculty
Academic Publications Editor
English Faculty
Secretarial Staff
Mathematics Department Secretary
English Faculty
Alumna, Student
Building Inspector
Food Service Staff
Cook and Custodian
Vice-President for Educational and Student Services
English Faculty
Speech Faculty, Placement Director
Executive Housekeeper
Philosophy and Humanities Faculty
Language Faculty
Education Faculty
Music Faculty
Industrial Technology Faculty
Dining Services Custodian
Building Service Coordinator
Clerk Typist
Secretary, Men's Athletic Department
Extension Faculty, Alumni Service Director
Food Service Staff
Extension Science Faculty
Music Faculty


Business Education Faculty
Student Teaching Office Secretary
Bartlett Hall Housekeeper
Student Health Service Director
Alumna, Teacher
Maintenance Department Employee
Health Service Physician
Chemistry Faculty
Mathematics Faculty
Principal (President)
Science Faculty
English Faculty
Education Faculty
Instructor, Educational Psychology and Foundations
Associate Registrar
Library Staff
Placement Director
Art Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Linguistics Faculty
Industrial Technology Faculty
Biology Faculty
Camp Adventure Staff
Music Faculty
Honorary Degree Recipient
Alumnus, political leader
History Faculty
Assistant Director, Rod Library
Social Work Faculty
Department of Residence staff
Laboratory School Faculty
Food Service Supervisor
English Faculty


Board of Regents
Music Faculty
Broadcast Services Head
Music professor
Environmental Systems Mechanic
Physical Plant Staff
Mathematics Faculty
Housekeeping Staff
Education Faculty
Plant Services--Greenhouse
Business Education Faculty
Paint Service Manager
Payroll Coordinator
Business Education Faculty
Residence Hall Staff
Vice President; Education Faculty
Leisure Services Faculty
Education Faculty
Education Faculty
Chemistry Faculty
Physics Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Faculty, Information Technology Services - Training
Student Services Secretary
Modern Languages Secretary
Athletic Trainer
Alumna; UNI Foundation Board
Laboratory School Faculty
Residence Hall Staff
Music Faculty
Extension Faculty, University Archivist
Director of Residence
Laboratory School Faculty
Administrative Staff
Educational Psychology and Foundation Professor
Education Faculty
Library Assistant
Music Faculty
English Faculty
Student Field Service Clerk Typist
Greenhouse Coordinator
Laboratory School Faculty
Boiler Operator
Student Health Center Director
Business Office Staff
Athletics Staff; Physical Education Faculty
Education Faculty
Custodial Supervisor
Iowa Waste Reduction Center Staff
English Faculty
Educational Technology Staff
English Faculty
Bakery Supervisor
Library Science Faculty
Athletics Business Manager
Music Faculty
Physical Education Storekeeper
Equipment Room Manager
Security Officer
Physical Plant Grounds Division
Earth Science Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Home Economics Faculty
Business Faculty
Public Relations Director
Telephone Operator
Dean of Students
Public Relations Staff
Music Faculty
Music Faculty
Physical Education Storekeeper
Education Faculty
Education Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
English Faculty
English Faculty
Library Staff
History Faculty
Home Economics Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Art Faculty
Education Faculty
Drawing and Accounts Faculty
Education Faculty
Business Education Faculty
Economics Faculty


Royal Oak Room Staff


Laboratory School Faculty
Electronics Technician
Ceramics and Design Professor
Business Manager
Night Hostess
Building Inspector
Director of Financial Aid
Director of Housekeeping
Placement Office Staff
Housekeeping Staff
Communication Studies Faculty
Physics Faculty
English Faculty
Registrar Staff
English Faculty
Library Science Faculty
Writing Specialist
Power Plant Repairman
Psychology Faculty
Social Program Director
President's Secretary
Power Plant Staff


Print Services Staff
English Faculty
Curriculum Laboratory Staff
Account Specialist
Professor, Management Information Systems
Marketing Faculty
Public Relations Staff
Earth Science Faculty
Counseling Director; Institutional Research
English Faculty
Business Office Staff
Chemistry Faculty
Building Services Coordinator
Maucker Union Director
Food Service Supervisor
Education Faculty
Geography Faculty
Area Mechanic
Placement Staff
Dean, College of Education
Laboratory School Faculty
Rider Hall Secretary
Facilities Coordinator
Wrestling Coach
Athletics Staff
Language Faculty
Physical Education Faculty and Athletics Staff
Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology
Plant Services Driver Mechanic
Plant Services Vehicle Operator
Maucker Union Staff
Student Field Experience Faculty
Training School Faculty


Physical Plant Staff
Mathematics Faculty
Coordinator of Research
Vice President, History Faculty
English Faculty
Biology Faculty
English Faculty
Health Services Staff
Education Faculty
Art Faculty
English Department Secretary
Laboratory School and Education Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Board of Education
Director of Alumni Affairs
Mathematics Faculty
Social Science Faculty
History and Economics faculty
Business Faculty
Facilities Mechanic
Language Faculty
Benefits Coordinator
Food Services
Secretary, Business Office
Mathematics Faculty
Maintenance Repairman
Mathematics Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
English Faculty
Residence Hall Staff
English Faculty
Chemistry Faculty
Wrestling Coach


Library Faculty
Adjunct Language Faculty
Adjunct English Faculty
Communication Studies Faculty
Commercial Education Faculty
Leisure Studies Faculty
Data Processing Director
Library Staff
Wrestling Coach
Laboratory School Faculty
Teaching Center Coordinator
Theater instructor
Student Services Staff
Library Science Faculty
Engineer; Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds
Industrial Arts Faculty
Building Services Foreman
Music Faculty
English Faculty
Registrar Staff
Laboratory School Faculty, Tennis Coach
Laboratory School Faculty
Biology and Science Education Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Education Faculty
Dean, Biology Faculty
Education Faculty
Registrar Staff
Wrestling Coach
Education Faculty
Registrar's Staff
Library Science Faculty
UNI-Center for Urban Education Staff
Clerk Typist, Price Laboratory School, Mathematics Department
UNI Credit Union Staff
Laboratory School Faculty
Student Health Services Director
Home Economics Faculty
Education Faculty
Physical Education for Men Faculty, Coach
Physical Plant Mechanic
Political Science Faculty
President's Secretary
Physical Plant Staff
Landscape Architect
Physical Education for Women Faculty
Housekeeping Staff
Education Faculty
Mathematics Faculty
Dining Services Secretary
Foreign Language Faculty
Member of General Assembly
Power Plant Staff
Housekeeping Staff
Physical Plant Staff
Alumni Relations Staff
Advancement Staff
Music Faculty
Personnel Staff
Extension Faculty
College of Education Secretary
Laboratory School Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty, Field Experiences Coordinator
Physical Education for Women Faculty
Maucker Union Secretary
Athletics Staff
UNI Foundations Staff
Assistant Professor, Philosophy and World Religions Dept.
Public Information Services Staff
Assistant to the Vice President for Student Services
Food Service Staff
Laboratory School Secretary
Offset Equipment Operator
Correspondence Study Staff
Power Plant Chief Engineer
Payroll Clerk
Facilities Mechanic
Food Services Staff
Library Faculty
Education Faculty
Women's Rugby Coach
Plant Services Staff
Starter and Referee
Laboratory School Faculty
Library Faculty
Power Plant Chief Operator
Plant Services Equipment Operator
Mathematics Faculty


Speech Faculty
Faculty spouse
Dean of Instruction
Physical Education Faculty
History Faculty
Visiting Geography Faculty
Education Faculty
Laboratory School Director
Special Education Faculty
Geography Faculty
Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology Faculty
Laboratory School Caretaker
Spanish Faculty
Board of Regents
Rider Hall Housekeeper
Basketball Coach
Accounting professor
Personnel Clerk


Language Faculty
German Faculty
Public Safety Secretary
Maintenance Employee
Accounting Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Data Controller
Music Department Secretary


Science Faculty
Natural Science Faculty
Industrial Arts Faculty
Curriculum and Instruction; Library Science Faculty
Food Service Staff
Public Safety Officer
Economics Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Art Faculty
Wrestling Coach
Laboratory School Faculty
Environmental Control Staff
Vice President; History Faculty
Athletics Staff
Physics Professor
Honorary Degree Recipient
Print Services Staff
Physical Education Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Education Faculty
Education Faculty
Secretary; Laboratory School Faculty
Education Faculty
Word Processing Staff
Political Science Faculty
History Faculty
Vice President and Provost
Academic Advising Staff
Physics Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Secretary, College of Natural Sciences
President's Family
Student Teaching Coordinator
Laboratory School Faculty
College Hill Business Owner
Education Faculty


English Faculty
English Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Sports Announcer
Physical Education Faculty
Inventory Clerk
Dining Services Staff
Health Education Faculty
Housekeeping Staff
Foundation Board Member
Industrial Technology Faculty
Business Education Faculty
Dean of Men
College Hill Business Owner
English Faculty
English Faculty
Food Service Staff
Physical Plant Staff
Bender Hall Staff
Dean; Education Faculty
History Faculty
Honorary Degree Recipient
Board of Regents
Education Faculty
Teacher at Price Lab School
Biology Faculty
History Faculty
Extension Services Faculty
Food Service Staff
Education Faculty
Political Science Faculty
Religion Faculty
Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds
KUNI Staff
Library Director
Accounting Faculty
Dining Services Secretary
Physics Faculty
English Faculty
Food Service Staff
Adjunct Faculty
Education Faculty
Music Faculty
Library Faculty
Education Faculty
Truck Driver
Maucker Union Custodian
History Faculty


Laboratory School Faculty
Board of Directors
Library Dean
History Faculty
Education Faculty
Museum Director, Biology Faculty
Language Faculty
Alumnus, Teacher
Dean of Continuing Education
Box Office Staff
Laboratory School Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Social Work Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Library Science Secretary
Mathematics Faculty
Physical Plant Staff
Food Service Staff
Modern Languages Faculty
Communicative Disorders Faculty
Physical Education Faculty
Food Service Staff
Food Service Staff
Laboratory School Faculty
Bartlett Hall Custodian
Seamstress; Housekeeper
President's Wife
Physical Education Faculty
Gallagher-Bluedorn Performing Arts Center Staff
Health Service Nurse
Elocution/Interpretive Reading Instructor
Mathematics Faculty
Food Service Staff
History Professor
Laboratory School Staff
Education Faculty
Payroll Supervisor
Athletics Staff
Philosophy faculty
Linguistics Faculty
Honorary Degree Recipient
Physical Education Faculty
Board of Education
Director of Research
Mathematics Faculty
Education Faculty
Center for Social and Behavioral Research Staff
Geography Faculty
Business Education Faculty
Athletics Staff
Education Faculty
Maucker Union Staff
Disability Services Coordinator
Laboratory School Faculty
Food Service Staff
Speech Faculty
Clerk III-- Alumni Relations
Art Faculty
Speech Faculty
Noehren Hall Custodian
Music Professor
Food Service Staff
Housekeeping Staff
English Faculty
Lawther Night Hostess
Educational Media Center Staff
Education Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Education Faculty
Residence Hall Staff
Registrar Staff
Speech Faculty
English Faculty
Admissions Office Coordinator
Football Coach
Grounds Staff
Basketball Coach
Home Economics Secretary
Physical Plant Staff
Plant Services Director
Clerical Staff
Power Plant Supervisor
Physical Education Staff
Board of Directors
Telephone Maintenance Staff
Director of Theater
Laboratory School Faculty
Academic Coordinator
Geography Professor
History Faculty
Special Education Faculty
Training School Faculty
Dean, College of Education


Political Science Faculty
History Faculty
Marketing Faculty
Print Service Staff
English Faculty
Information Technology Services Staff
Child Development Center Staff
Health Services Staff
Faculty, Biology
English Faculty
Transportation Foreman
Housekeeping Staff
Custodial Staff
Language Faculty
History Faculty
Special Education Faculty
Education Faculty
Philosophy Faculty
Business Education Faculty
Health Service Nurse
Student Teaching Coordinator
Education Faculty
College Hill Business Owner
Pipe fitter, Physical Plant
Public Safety Staff
Board of Trustees
Mathematics Faculty
Education Faculty
Education Faculty
Economics Faculty


Communications Faculty
Geography Faculty


Laboratory School Faculty
Physical Plant Staff
Biology Faculty
Engineering Services Staff
Library Faculty
Vice President


Faculty, Teacher Education
Library Faculty
Education Faculty
Speech Faculty
Industrial Technology Faculty
Physical Plant Staff
Economics Professor/Author
Educational Clinic Secretary
Physical Plant Staff
Campbell Hall Custodian
Housekeeping Staff
Education Faculty
English Faculty
Landscape Planner
Building Services Staff
Mathematics Faculty
Intercollegiate Athletics Staff
Laboratory School Faculty
Secretary, Religious Affairs
Mathematics Faculty
Chemistry Faculty
Security Officer
Laboratory School Faculty
History Faculty
Registrar Staff
Price Lab faculty
Construction Inspector
English Faculty
Physical Education Faculty
Physical Education Faculty and Coach
History Faculty
Laboratory School Faculty
Alumna, Teacher
Mathematics Faculty
Alumni Services Staff
Education Faculty
Executive Secretary
Physical Education Faculty
Physical Plant
Affiliated School Faculty
Laboratory School Secretary
Maucker Union Staff
Chemistry Faculty
Marketing Faculty
Biology Faculty
Public Safety Officer
Dancer Hall Staff
Baker Hall Custodian
Physical Education Faculty
Education Faculty
Residence Hall Staff
Board of Regents Member
Power House Turbine Operator
English Faculty
Director of Theater
Safety Education Faculty
Mathematics, Religious Education Faculty


Sociology Faculty
Physical Education Faculty
Physical Plant Staff
Home Economics Faculty
Library Custodian
Economics Faculty


Housekeeping Staff
Ticket Manager
Security Officer
Commons Food Service Supervisor
Secretarial Staff