UNI Position
Business Education Faculty

TO: All Faculty and Staff Members 

FROM: S. ElVon Warner, Head, Department of Business Education and Administrative Management, School of Business 

DATE: 10 May 1982 

Mrs. Katherine S. Humphrey, emeritus professor of business education and office administration, died on Thursday, May 6, 1982, as the result of an automobile accident near Tucson, Arizona. Mrs. Humphrey was born in Iowa City, Iowa, on September 20, 1909. She received her B.S.C. degree in 1932, M.A. degree in 1942; both degrees were received from the State University of Iowa. She had done advanced graduate work at Indiana University in 1961. 

Mrs. Humphrey taught for 38 years prior to her retirement from the University of Northern Iowa in May 1976. Prior to her joining the Iowa State Teachers College faculty in 1947, she had taught for four years at the high school level, four years at Eastern Illinois State Teachers College at Charleston, Illinois, and one year at the Katherine Gibbs School in Chicago. Mrs. Humphrey retired from the University of Northern Iowa after 29 years of devoted and dedicated service. Following Mrs. Humphrey's retirement in 1976, she moved to Green Valley, Arizona, where she was enjoying her retirement very much. 

She is survived by her sister, Julie Saxton, with whom she was living at 351 Las Hamacas, Green Valley, Arizona 85614. A graveside service will be conducted at LeRoy, Illinois.