UNI Position
Art Faculty

July 31, 1944 - To the Members of the Faculty

Funeral services for Miss Agnes B. Cole, Assistant Professor of Art since 1921, who passed away Saturday night, July 29, 1944, will be held at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 1, 1944, at Dahl's Funeral Parlors. Burial will be in the Greenwood Cemetery. Any member of the staff who wishes to attend the funeral may do so by making arrangements with his administrative head. Any student who wishes to attend the funeral service may be excused from attendance at his one and two o'clock classes on Tuesday, August 1. The flag will be carried at half mast during the half day when the funeral occurs and the Campanile will be played at four o'clock that afternoon as an expression of respect for the services rendered by Miss Cole during her many years of loyalty and devotion to the college. Please make announcement of these facts in one of your classes Tuesday morning, August 1, 1944. 

Malcolm Price, President

Member of Art Faculty Dies Agnes B. Cole, assistant professor of art at Teachers College for twenty-three years, died July 29, 1944, at Sartori Memorial Hospital in Cedar Falls. Miss Cole was born in Prophetstown, Illinois, Ap[ril 22, 1876. She received her secondary education at Avoca High School at Avoca, Iowa. She studied at Pratt Institute (Technical Art School) at Brooklyn, New York, where he received the normal arts diploma. In 1928 she received her B. Ph. from the University of Chicago and in 1933 her M. A. degree from Columbia University. Miss Cole, who came to the campus in 1921, was director of art in the public school of Great Falls, Montana, from 1915 to 1921 and had served as principal of Lincoln School in Norfolk, Nebraska, and as teacher and supervisor of art and music in the public school at Avoca, iowa, before that. She was a member of the Western Arts Association and the Iowa State Teachers Association. She was also a member of Eastern Star and the P. E. O. Sisterhood. 

Adapted from an article in the Alumnus, volume XXVIII, number 4, page 6.