UNI Position
Commercial Education Faculty


With Rainbow Division in 1st World War; Leaves Wife and Two Children. 

Prof. George R. Mach died at his home, 415 West Seventh Street, Cedar Falls, early Thursday, November 11, 1943. For four years, due to illness, be had been on leave of absence from Iowa State Teachers College. 

George Mach was born at Racine, Wisconsin, Sept. 22, 1897, only child of George and Sophia Mach. He graduated from Brookfield High School at Chicago and at the age of 17 was called to the Mexican border with the Illinois National Guard. He later attended the University of Illinois. 

With Occupation Army. During World War I, he served with the Rainbow division, One Hundred Forty-ninth Field Artillery, and also served with the army of occupation. After the war he again entered the University of Illinois, receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in 1921 and his Master's degree in 1922. He married Elsie Mikuta September 17, 1921, and in that year taught at the Monmouth, Illinois, High School. Mr. and Mrs. Mach came to Cedar Falls in 1923, where Mr. Mach was a member of the I. S. T. C. faculty in the commercial education department. In 1931 he took a year's graduate work, at the University of Illinois. 

Former School Director. He was commander of the local American Legion post in 1926 and also served as a member of the Cedar Falls school board from 1936 to 1939. Since 1939 he had been on leave of absence from the college. 

He is survived by his widow and two children, Marjorie, 18, and George Robert, 15. 

Copyright Waterloo Courier, October 15, 1943. 

George Mach On Faculty For Seventeen Years 

George R. Mach, who served for seventeen years as assistant professor in the Department of Commercial Education prior to his retirement in 1940 due to ill health, died at his home Thursday morning. 

Professor Mach came to Teachers College in 1923 as instructor in marketing and accounting. He was born in Racine, Wisconsin, September 22, 1897, and educated in the. public schools of Chicago and Brookfield, Illinois. The former Teachers College instructor attended the College of Agriculture of the University of Illinois from 1915 to 1917. He then served in the United States Army throughout World War I, retiring to the Illinois university in 1919. He received the B.S. degree from that university in 1921, and the M.S. degree in 1922 from the College of Commerce. Following his graduation from college, Mr. Mach served as acting head of the commercial department at the Monmouth, Illinois, High School from 1922 until 1923. 

At Teachers College he conducted many research projects in the fields of marketing and retail merchandising. Mr. Mach was a popular member of the college faculty during his years of service. He was a sponsor of the campus Commercial Club while in active service here and took an active part in affairs of the college. He was equally active in local community affairs, serving a member of the Cedar Falls Board of Education and as consulting member of the Retail Merchants Association. He was a member of such professional organizations as the American Association of University Professors, the American Marketing Society, the National Association of Teachers of Marketing, the National Commercial Teachers Federation, the N.E.A., and I.S.T.A. 

Copyright College Eye. 


Recall Deed That Saved Life Of This Tree 

The local school board, meeting in regular session last night, approved the dedication of a Norway Maple tree on the north lawn of the Lincoln School grounds to the memory of the late Professor George Mach, for many years a member of the school board in this city. 

Saved Life 

Suggestion of the dedication was made by a nurseryman in this city who recalls an incident when Professor Mach saved the life of this particular tree. It was stated that the school board at that time had voted to move the tree and workmen digging it up, cut the roots. As Mach came home one noon he noticed the way the tree had been mutilated and immediately inquired of the nurseryman how the tree could be saved. In memory of this deed and his service as a member of the school board, a plaque is to he placed on the tree, according to motion of the present Board. It was suggested that the actual dedication may be made on Arbor Day. Mach was a member of the Iowa State Teachers College commercial department. 

Copyright Cedar Falls Record, December 7, 1943. Initially placed on Web: May 8, 1998 (GP) Last modified: November 15, 2006 (GP)