UNI Position
Education Faculty

Dr. D. P. Phillips, assistant professor of education at Teachers College for the past eleven years, died November 29, 1935. Dr. Phillips was born on October 26, 1893, in Stafford, Ohio. He received a bachelor's degree from Upper Iowa University in 1915, a master's degree from the University of Iowa in 1923, and a Ph. D. from the University of Iowa in 1932. He joined the staff at Teachers College in 1924 after having served as principal of the Castalia, Iowa, public school; instructor in the high school at Denison, Iowa; instructor in the U. S. Army during the war, at camps in Gordon, Georgia, and McClellan, Alabama; as superintendent at Morley, Iowa; and as instructor in education at Des Moines University. 

The deceased professor was a member of the Iowa State Teachers Association, the National Education Association, Phi Delta Kappa, Sigma Xi, and the Iowa Academy of Science. He had published many articles in educational journals, most of his research work being carried on among young children. He was one of the lecturers on the Iowa Child Radio Club Series, started in 1933, and his lectures have been distributed in mimeograph form. More recently they have been rebroadcast from stations scattered throughout the nation. At the time of his death he was working on an investigative article, "A study of imaginary companions of preschool children." 

From an article in the Alumnus, January 1936, page 8.