UNI Position
History and Economics faculty

To: All Staff Members -- From: J. W. Maucker, President -- Date: March 25, 1970

Dr. Charles T. Leavitt, Professor of American History and Economics, passed away at Sartori Hospital on Tuesday, March 24, following a lengthy illness. Dr. Leavitt was born in Cedar Falls in 1902. He attended the University of Northern Iowa, received the B.A. degree from Beloit College, and the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Chicago, the latter in 1931. Prior to joining the staff at the University of Northern Iowa in 1946 as Assistant Professor of History, he taught in the public schools of Iowa and Wisconsin, and at Dakota Wesleyan University, Clarion State Teachers College, and Junior Vocational College of Milwaukee. He was advanced to the rank of associate professor in 1953 and to the rank of professor in 1961. He had been a member of the American Historical Society, Mississippi Valley Historical Society, American Economic Association, American Association of University Professors, Mid-West Economic Association, Iowa Education Association, and Iowa Council on Economic Education. Dr. Leavitt rendered significant service on university committees and in community affairs. The Dahl-Van Hove Funeral Home in Cedar Falls is in charge of the funeral arrangements. Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, March 26, at First Congregational United Church of Christ in Cedar Falls, with burial in the Elmwood Cemetery in Waterloo. The flag will be flown at half-mast, and the Campanile bells will be played during the time of the funeral service in memory of Dr. Leavitt. Those wishing to make contributions to a memorial may do so through the University of Northern Iowa Foundation for the Charles T. Leavitt Economic Scholarship Fund, or through the First Congregational United Church of Christ. 

Dr. Charles T. Leavitt, Professor of History and Economics, University of Northern Iowa, passed away on Tuesday, March 24, 1970. Dr. Leavitt was an active member of the Department of Economics until recent ill health required his absence from such duties.. Born September 5, 1902, in Cedar Falls, he was graduated from the Cedar Falls High School, and Beloit College. He received master's and doctor's degrees from the University of Chicago. He also attended the University of Northern Iowa and Iowa State University. Dr. Leavitt came to Cedar Falls in 1946. Prior to that he taught in public schools in Iowa and Wisconsin, at Dakota Wesleyan University, Clarion Teachers College, Pennsylvania, and Milwaukee Vocational School. He was a member of Phi Beta Kappa, American Historical Association, Mississippi Valley Historical Association, American Economic Association, Midwest Economic Association, and Pi Gamma Mu. Dr. Leavitt was a member of the Cedar Falls Rotary Club and served a term as president of that club. He was a life-long member of the Congregational Church and frequently served in an official capacity for the church. Dr. Leavitt contributed much of his free time to the betterment of the community in which he lived Those of us who had the privilege of working closely with Dr. Leavitt were acutely aware of his unselfish concern for students, his desire to help the less fortunate among his students, his total cooperation with his colleagues, and his commitment to the University of Northern Iowa. May this resolution of appreciation to Dr. Leavitt, whom we knew and admired as a friend and colleague, be made a part of the records of the University Faculty Senate with copies being sent to his wife and daughters. 

Wylie Anderson Louis Bultena Tom Ryan Senate minutes, April 20, 1970