UNI Position
Industrial Arts Faculty

May 21, 1954 -- To the Members of the Faculty

Professor C. H. Bailey, Professor Emeritus of Industrial Arts, passed away on May 20, 1954, at Bartlesville, Oklahoma, where he had gone following his resignation from the staff at the close of the 1953 fall quarter. Mr. Bailey began his services as Department Head at the college in 1905 and had served faithfully and effectively over a long period of years. He is survived by his daughter, Flora, East Orange, New Jersey, and a son, Grant, of Bartlesville. There are two grandchildren. In so far as we have been able to learn there will be no funeral service for Mr. Bailey in Cedar Falls. Sincerely yours, J. W. Maucker, President. Resolution for Professor C. H. Bailey Professor C. H. Bailey was born March 4, 1874, and died May 20, 1954. He was graduated from Iowa City High School in l891. Upon his graduation from high school he entered the State University receiving his B.S. degree in Civil Engineering in l895. Further study for his chosen field in Manual Arts was taken at Cornell University and at Teachers College, Columbia University where he received a B. S. degree and a Manual Arts diploma. Professor Bailey had practical experience in both high school and college before coming to Iowa State Teachers College, having taught Manual Arts in the Iowa City High School five years and later was director of Manual Arts at James Milliken University, Decatur, Illinois. He was elected to the headship of the Manual Arts Department at Iowa State Teachers College in the fall of 1905, later serving as head of the Arts Department including Arts and Industrial Arts, in which capacity he served with distinction until 1943 when he resigned as head. He continued to serve as full professor in the department until 1944. After reaching the retirement age, he continued to serve the college in part-time service as professor Emeritus until 1954, when he severed his relations with the college and moved to Bartlesville, Oklahoma, where he passed away unexpectedly on May 20, 1954. Professor Bailey was a member of many learned societies in his chosen field to which he made outstanding contributions. While head of Manual Arts at Iowa State Teachers College, he was responsible for outlining courses of study in Manual Arts for grades and high school, and was a prominent member of the Extension Council. To truly measure the value of a teacher to an institution, the state, and the community he served, one needs to evaluate the type of service rendered, and the spirit in which it was performed. Professor Bailey possessed a genial personality, was highly respected by the members of his department, and the entire faculty. He was of a quiet disposition, modest yet earnest and very painstaking in all of his undertakings, and untiring in his efforts to inspire his students with a desire and enthusiasm for high ideals of scholarship. All who knew him, students, his colleagues on the faculty, and citizens alike, were impressed with his kindly spirit, his sincere nature, and his unimpeachable character. 

Committee Corley Conlon Harold G. Palmer E. J. Cable, chairman 


Record of Professor C. H. Bailey 

Born March 4, 1874 Graduated from Iowa City High School in 1891 Attended Iowa State University 1891-95 receiving degree of B.S. in Civil Eng. Cook County Normal School during summer l897 receiving two credits Attended Cornell University during summers of 1900 and 1901 ---l0 hrs credit Attended Teachers College, Columbia University 1903 and received his B.S. and Manual Training Diploma Teaching Experience Iowa High School, Iowa City, Supervisor of Manual Training 1897-1902 James Millikan University-Director of Manual Training 1903-1905 Director of Manual Training I.S.T.C. September 1905 Retired from Headship in 1943, but full professor until 1944 Professor Emeritus from 1944 to time of his resignation from the college in 1953 Membership in Learned Societies Western Arts Association (Vice President & Chairman) of program committee 1907 Iowa Association of Manual Arts & Industrial Arts Teachers (Trustee 1918) National Vocational Association 1922 Iowa Vocational Association 1924 Mississippi Valley Industrial Arts Conference 1909 N.E.A. 1936 S.E.Division Iowa State Teachers Association 1936 National Association of Industrial Teacher Trainers 1937 American Industrial Arts Association 1940 Contributions 1927-28 State Course of Study 1929-30 State H.S. Course of Study 1930 Extension Council Died in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, May 20, 1954.