UNI Position
Education Faculty

To: All Staff Members - From: John J. Kamerick, President - Date: August 20, 1970

Mr. Fred Danford Cram, Emeritus Professor of Education, passed away in Grinnell, Iowa, on Monday, August 17, 1970, as a result of a stroke. He and Mrs. Cram had resided at the Mayflower Home in Grinnell since 1964. Mr. Cram was born in Marshall County in 1880, and received the B. A. degree from the University of Northern Iowa and the M. A. degree from University of Iowa. After serving in the public schools of Iowa, which included four years as superintendent of Cerro Gordo County, he joined the staff at University of Northern Iowa in 1920 as Professor of Extension. He was advanced to the rank of Associate Professor of Education in 1935 and to the rank of Professor in 1949. After assuming emeritus status in 1950, he served on a part-time basis in the Extension Division and in the Archives until 1957. Mr. Cram had been a member of the National Education Association, Iowa State Education Association, Educational Research Association, and State Historical Society of Iowa. Mr. Cram's body was willed to the University of Iowa College of Medicine, and it was his request that the only memorial service be at the conclusion of the regular Sunday morning service of the First Congregational United Church of Christ in Cedar Falls.