UNI Position

TO: All Staff Members 

FROM: D. R. Walton, Director of Personnel 

DATE: February 21, 1972 

Mr. Harry Dahl, who served for a number of years as Foreman--Steamfitting Division--Physical Plant Department, passed away on Thursday, February 17, 1972, at Sartori Memorial Hospital following a heart attack. Mr. Dahl was born in Cedar Falls, October 7, 1901. He joined the University in April 1932 as a laborer, and moved to the Steamfitting Shop in July 1936. He became steamfitting foreman in January 1957 and held that position until the time of his retirement on February 16, 1967. 

Funeral services for Mr. Dahl will be at 1:30 p,m., Tuesday, February 22, 1972, at St. John's American Lutheran Church. Burial will be in the Zion Lutheran Cemetery near Hudson. The flag will be flown at half-mast during the time of the funeral service in memory of Mr. Dahl.