UNI Position
Biology Faculty

Free Press Greenfield, Iowa April 15, 1948 Death of Dr. W. H. Davis 

Dr. William H. Davis died March 19, 1948, at Amherst, Massachusetts. Death was due to multiple sclerosis. Burial took place at Hornell, New York. where he had graduated from high school, with Masonic funeral services. He was Shriner and life member of A. F. A. M. Dr. Davis, former teacher of agriculture, nature study, and botany at Iowa State Teachers College, Cedar Falls, Iowa, from 1912 through 1920, had served since 1921 as professor of plant pathology and mycology at Massachusetts University, Amherst, Massachusetts. He was graduated from New York State College for Teachers at Albany, New York; Cornell University, and Wisconsin University. He was a member of the Mycology and Plant Pathology societies of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and was made a fellow in recognition of his research in plant pathology. He was a member of Sigma Xi, an honorary scholastic society at Wisconsin University and was listed in Who's Who for many years. He gave an annual Sunday lecture at the Boston Public Library. Dr. Davis was married to Miss Elsie Carnes of Greenfield, Iowa, in July 1913. She survives him.