UNI Position
Laboratory School Librarian

To: All Staff Members From: J. W. Maucker, President -- Date: January 28, 1970

Miss Clara Evelyn Campbell, Emeritus Instructor and Librarian in the Price Laboratory School, passed away at the Lutheran Home in Cedar Falls on January 27, 1970, of a heart insufficiency. She was born in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, in 1892. Miss Campbell received the Mus. B. and B. A. degrees from Irving College, the B. S. degree from Carnegie Institute of Technology, and the M. S. degree from Columbia University. She joined the University of Northern Iowa staff in 1937 as Juvenile Librarian in the University Library and transferred to the position of librarian in the Price Laboratory School in 1953, where she served until assuming emeritus status in 1957. She had been a member of the Carnegie Library School Association, the Columbia School of Library Service Association, the American Association of University Women, and the American Library Association, including the following sections: Library Work with Children, School Library, Professional Training, and College and Reference. A memorial service will be held at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 29, 1970, in the Nazareth Lutheran Chapel, with the Nottger Funeral Home in charge of arrangements. The flag will be flown at half-mast Thursday afternoon and the Campanile bells will be played during the time of the memorial service in memory of Miss Campbell. The family has suggested that those wishing to make contributions to a memorial make them to the Lutheran Home Chapel or the University of Northern Iowa Foundation. 

Miss Clara Evelyn Campbell, Emeritus Instructor in Teaching, University of Northern Iowa, who served as librarian in the Malcolm Price Laboratory School, died on January 27, 1970, at the Lutheran Home in Cedar Falls. After attending the schools in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, where she was born in 1892, Miss Campbell went on to earn her Mus. B. and B. A. degrees from Irving College, the B. S. degree from Carnegie Institute of Technology, and the M. S. degree from Columbia University. She was a member of the American Library Association, including the following sections: Library Work with Children, School Libraries, Professional Training, and College and Reference; the Carnegie Library Association; the Columbia School of Library Service; and the Iowa Library Association. She was active in the American Association of University Women and the Faculty Women's Club. She joined the staff of the University of Northern Iowa in 1937 as Juvenile Librarian in the University Library. In 1953, she transferred to the position of librarian in the Malcolm Price Laboratory School, a post which she filled capably until she assumed emeritus status in 1957. When the doors of the library of the Malcolm Price Laboratory School first opened in 1953, Evelyn Campbell realized the fulfillment of a long-cherished dream. Her colleagues and patrons of the school looked upon it as a model facility--concrete proof of her ingenuity and of her years of thoughtful study and detailed planning. Young people found it an inviting environment in which she could continue to bring to them the joy of the printed page, for she was blessed with the unique gift of being able to bring children to books, books to children.

To her family, her friends, and her associates, Evelyn has left rich legacies. Her love of beauty and her skill in creating it in her home and garden, her strong convictions and uncompromising support of her religious and political beliefs, her ability to accept and face realistically changes in her physical condition and her surroundings, and her way of disregarding financial limitations to reach carefully planned goals are but a few of the enviable traits which she has left for us to emulate. We offer this sincere expression of remembrance and tribute for a valued colleague and loyal friend who willingly gave to each of us and to the University of which she was so proud. We request that it be made a part of the minutes of the University Senate and that copies be sent to members of her family. 

Mary Dieterich Bernice Helff Howard Vander Beek, Chairman April 15, 1970. Included in University Faculty Senate minutes, April 20, 1970.