UNI Position
Education Faculty

To: Members of the Faculty 

From: J. W. Maucker, President 

Date: April 12, 1965 

Miss Amy F. Arey, Professor of Education, Emeritus, died at Sartori Hospital, Saturday night, April 10, 1965. 

Miss Arey was born April 4, 1877, in Cedar Falls. She earned the M. Di. diploma at the Iowa State Normal School, the Ph. B. degree at Grinnell (1904-06), and the B. S. and M. A. degrees from Teachers College, Columbia University, in June 1905 and June 1906. She began her work on this campus in 1903-04; in 1906 she was appointed as a primary supervisor. She became an emeritus professor in 1947. Miss Arey was an effective and inspiring instructor, respected by students and faculty through the many years she was a member of the Department of Education and Psychology. Her time and talents were generously extended to her department and to the college.

Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon, April 13, at two o'clock at Dahl's Funeral Home in this city. Burial will be in the mausoleum at Greenwood cemetery. The flag will be carried at half mast Tuesday afternoon and the Campanile will be played as an expression of admiration and respect for Miss Arey, Friends have indicated that a Scholarship Fund with the College Foundation will be established in her memory and contributions will, of course, be welcomed at any time. 

Miss Arey is survived by two nieces, Miss Marjorie Arey and Miss Helen Arey, both of Muscatine, Iowa.