UNI Position
Music Faculty

C. A. Fullerton of Cedar Falls dies at age of 84 

Long Associated with Music Department of State Teachers College. 

Professor Charles Alexander Fullerton, 84, of 2321 Franklin Street, Cedar Falls, the grand old man of Iowa music who was associated with the music department of Iowa State Teachers college for forty-eight years, died at Sartori Memorial Hospital at 9:30 a. m. Friday. He was stricken Sunday, December 2, 1945, and removed to the hospital the following Tuesday. Death was caused by cerebral thrombosis. He was still active at the time he was stricken and only the previous week had conducted a music institute as part of his work in the extension department at the college. Professor Fullerton gained international recognition for his work with music in rural schools. Because many rural teachers lacked musical talent or training, he felt that pupils in 8600 Iowa one-room schools were not receiving adequate musical training. To correct the situation, Professor Fullerton evolved what became -known as the Fullerton choir plan, whereby specially selected phonograph records were used to teach rural school pupils. As a result, they learned by imitating great artists. By invitation he had visited every state but three giving demonstrations of his methods. In 1931 he was invited to attend the International Music Conference at Lausanne, Switzerland, where he demonstrated his choir plan. Born In New Hampshire. Professor Fullerton was born at Manchester, New Hampshire, October 11, 1861. His parents moved to Iowa when he was nine years old, settling in the vicinity of Nora Springs. He obtained his early education in Iowa public schools and attended Iowa State Teachers college, where he received a B. S. degree in music in 1890. He taught in rural schools and also served as principal of schools at Norway, Parkersburg, and Manson, Iowa, before he returned to his alma mater to begin his work in the music department in 1897. He was later awarded an honorary master's degree by the Chicago Musical College and also took post-graduate work at the University of Chicago and Harvard University. He married Alma Gray of Postville, Iowa, June 23, 1897. He was given the title of professor emeritus of music by the college in 1934, but continued his work in the extension department. 

Professor Fullerton was the author of a number of textbooks that have been widely used in public schools. They include "Choir Songs and Practical Instruction in Public School Music;" published in 1900; "New Song Book and Music Reader;" published in 1910; "Glee Club Songs,' published in 1908; "One Book Course in Elementary Music;" published in 1925; and "New Elementary Music," published in 1938. Widely Known Educator. Widely known in educational circles, Professor Fullerton had served as chairman of the music section, National Education Association; president of the National Music Supervisor's Conference; chairman of the public school section, National Association of Music Teachers; president of the Society of Music Teachers of Iowa; and chairman of the music section, Iowa State Teachers Association. He was a member of Phi Mu Alpha, national music fraternity, and of the First Congregational Church, in Cedar Falls. Surviving are two sons, Roderick Craig Fullerton, Chicago, Illinois, and Capt. Craig Karr Fullerton, now stationed at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina, and a daughter, Margaret Gray Fullerton, Des Moines. There are also five brothers, Robert, Parkersburg, Iowa; Henry J. and James E., both of Rockford, Iowa, and Peter G, and Angus M., both of Lawton, Oklahoma. His wife and one daughter, Ruth, preceded him in death. There are two grandchildren. Funeral arrangements have not been completed. The body is at Dahl's Funeral Home. 

Copyright Waterloo Courier, December 14, 1945.