UNI Position
English Faculty

OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT September 27, 1954 

To the Members of the Faculty: 

Samuel Adams Lynch, Professor Emeritus of English, and for many years Head of the Department, came to the close of his long and useful life at 8:35 P.M. on Sunday, September 26, at Sartori Memorial Hospital. He had undergone an operation, from which his recovery seemed so certain that his son Eugene had left his father's bedside to return to Red Oak just a few hours before Mr. Lynch suffered the heart failure resulting in his unexpected death. People who had visited at his bedside had remarked upon his attitude of optimism and expectancy. 

Mr. Lynch came to Iowa State Teachers College from Superior, Wisconsin, in 1909. He was called to head the newly reorganized Department of English and Public Speaking, and was the only person brought from outside the institution to assume the headship of a department at that time. Of those early departmental administrators, Dr. Louis Begeman alone remains. Mr. Lynch served as Head of the Department from 1909 to 1938. He taught in the Department on an emeritus basis from 1938 to 1946, when he asked to be relieved of classroom duty. 

For many years, the comfortable and well-kept home of this family has been at 421 Seerley Boulevard. He was eighty-six years of age. Survivors besides Mrs. Lynch are Eugene B., Superintendent of Schools at Red Oak, Iowa; Gladys E., in the English Department of the State University of Iowa; William D., Manager of the Woolverton Printing Company, Cedar Falls; John E. L., in the Nebraska State Teachers Association, Lincoln, Nebraska. 

There are seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be at the First Presbyterian Church, corner of Main and Ninth Streets, at 2:00 P.M. on Wednesday, September 29. Members of the Languages, Speech, and Literature Department and others who so desire may be excused from class work to attend the services. The Campanile will be played at 3:00 o'clock Wednesday afternoon as an expression of respect and admiration to Mr. Lynch. 

Sincerely yours, J. W. Maucker President