UNI Position
History Faculty

October 31, 1978 -- To: All Faculty and Staff Members -- From: Robert E. Morin, Dean, College of Business and Behavioral Sciences 

Cecile Sue Coren, lecturer in the Department of History this fall semester, died on October 27, 1978. Cecile took her B. A. degree in history at Temple University in 1971 and received her M. A. degree in history from the same university two years later. At the time of her death she was finishing an M. A. degree in counseling at UNI. Meanwhile, she had continued with her graduate studies in history at Temple, and at the time of her death was at the stage of working on the Ph. D. dissertation. Her particular interest in American history concentrated on 19th and 20th century topics. Her honors included nomination to a Woodrow Wilson Fellowship at Temple in 1971 and the Dean's Honor List during her earlier undergraduate studies at the University of Missouri. For several semesters she was a teaching assistant at Temple. While at UNI she was a volunteer for the Cedar Falls Department of Human Development, and attended conferences on child abuse and abused women as well as a number of conferences on counseling. The funeral and burial were conducted October 31, 1978, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.