UNI Position
Library Faculty

Dr. of Literature degree to be awarded at graduation 

An honorary Doctor of Literature degree, to be awarded at the UNI spring 1977 Commencement exercises, was approved by the State Board of Regents following a request from President John J. Kamerick. Dr. Rutherford David Rogers, University Librarian of Yale University, will receive the degree at the 2 PM ceremonies in the UNI-Dome May 14, 1977. 

He is a native of Jesup and a 1936 graduate of UNI with a B. A. degree in English. Rogers' honorary degree has the endorsement of the UNI Committee on Honorary Degrees and the University Faculty Senate. Rogers attended Columbia University as a Lydia Roberts Fellow, earning a master of arts degree in English and comparative literature in 1937, followed by the professional degree of bachelor of arts in library science a year later. In 1971 he was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Library Administration by the University of Dayton. 

He served as research analyst with Smith, Barney, and Company in New York for several years and then returned to the library field as Director of the Grosvenor Library in Buffalo, New York, and then director of the Rochester Public Library. From 1954 through 1957 he served as chief of the personnel office, then as chief of the reference department in the New York Public Library. Rogers then became Chief Assistant Librarian of Congress and later Deputy Librarian of Congress before being appointed Director of Libraries at Stanford University in 1964. Since 1968, he has been University Librarian at Yale University. Among his many honors, Rogers was awarded the Alumni Achievement Award by UNI in 1958. Honorary societies in which he holds membership are Blue Key, Kappa Delta Pi, Sigma Tau Delta, and Theta Alpha Phi. 

Adapted by University Archivist Gerald L. Peterson from an article in the Northern Iowan, May 3, 1977, page 6.