Digital Collections
Some materials from SC&UA have been digitized and are available online in ScholarWorks and IndexUNI. Examples include the student newspaper, yearbooks, alumni magazines and athletic media guides.
Collects, preserves and makes available the research, creative and scholarly output from the UNI community.
Rod Library's online index of articles from official campus publications, dating from 1876 to the present.
Please note: Special Collections & University Archives (SC&UA) collects, preserves and provides access to rare, valuable and delicate collections of books, manuscripts and institutional records. Materials located in SC&UA come from a broad range of sources and time periods. Some of these materials may contain offensive stereotypes, ideas, visuals or language. Such materials serve as evidence of the era in which they were created, and are part of the historical record. Their presence should be viewed and considered within their historical context. They do not represent the views of the University of Northern University, the Library or SC&UA, which strive to create and maintain a welcoming and inclusive environment.