UNI Position
Athletic Trainer

The many students returning from their vacations will miss the smiling face of Hank Harmon, who for so may years has been the best friend of the athletes at the college. Henry C. Harmon, at the age of sixty-four, died at his home here on May 31, 1924, from an attack of angina pectoris. Harmon entered the service of the Teacher College in 1905 and was a most highly appreciated member of the Superintendent's staff. 

Hank, as he was commonly called, was a true friend of the college men, and many a freshman has received words of encouragement from the veteran trainer during his eighteen years of service at the college. He was an honorary member of the T. C. Club, an honorary member of the Square and Compass Club, and was one of the best informed athletic men in the state. 

The funeral services were in charge of the Masonic Lodge of Cedar Falls. The interment was made in Fairview Cemetery in Cedar Falls. Mr. Harmon is survived by his wife and two daughters, Ada Joy Harmon, Primary 1909, public school nurse at Charles City, Iowa; Zoe Elalia Harmon-Wright, B. A., 1913, Sioux City, Iowa. 

Adapted from an article in the College Eye, September 10, 1924, page 6.