UNI Position
Laboratory School Faculty

To: College of Education Faculty - Date: April 7, 1982 Eleanor McBride

In Memoriam

Eleanor McBride, former member of the Department of Teaching, died on February 24, 1982, at her home in Rock Island, Illinois. Miss McBride joined the faculty of Iowa State Teachers College in 1946, assigned as a classroom teacher and student teaching supervisor to the off-campus center at Edison School in Waterloo. She later taught at a second center in Hudson, Iowa, before joining the faculty of Price Laboratory School in 1957. In addition to her classroom teaching, she served as a consultant to Iowa schools through the Office of Extension and Continuing Education. Among the professional organizations in which she was active were the Association for Childhood Education International, the International Reading Association, and the Association for Student Teaching. Miss McBride was graduated from Illinois State Normal University in 1940 with a Bachelor of Education degree and received her Master's degree from the University of Illinois in 1946. She also studied at Ohio State University where she served as assistant to Dr. Laura Zirbes in the College of Education. 

In 1967 she was granted a leave of absence in order to study library science at UNI. A year later she resigned from her position on the university faculty to accept a position as an elementary school librarian in the public schools of Rock Island, Illinois. Early retirement in 1975 provided the opportunity to serve her community in many ways through volunteer efforts. Friends remember her for her gentle manner which yet was decisive, for her commitment to the welfare of children and to teacher education, and for her own high standards, both personal and professional. She had rich and varied interests and shared these freely with both children and others with similar interests. Her deep consideration for others and devotion to their needs made her life a blessing to family and friends alike. 

Mildred Blackman Dorothy Koehring Dorothy Wineke, Chair