UNI Position
Sociology Faculty

TO: All Faculty and Staff Members 

FROM: Robert E. Morin, Dean, College of Business and Behavioral Sciences 

DATE: July 7, 1978 

Dr. Louis Bultena, emeritus professor of sociology and former head of the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work, died Sunday, July 2, 1978, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, after an extended illness. 

Dr. Bultena was born in Lennox, South Dakota, on February 25, 1905. He received his B. A. in 1929 from the University of Dubuque. He earned a B. D. in 1932 and an M. A. in 1935 from the San Francisco Seminary. He was awarded the Ph. D. in 1945 from the University of Wisconsin with a major in Sociology. 

Dr. Bultena came to the University of Northern Iowa from the University of Wyoming in 1947. He developed and taught courses in sociology, criminology, and anthropology and worked for the strengthening of these disciplines and the addition of staff. From 1969 until his retirement in 1973, Dr. Bultena served as the head of the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work. 

Dr. Bultena was the author of several articles on social issues and was particularly interested in prison reform. He wrote three books: Sex and Family Education in High Schools, Man in Modern Society, and Deviant Behavior in Sweden. He was an active member of many professional organizations. 

He was preceded in death by his wife, Bea, on May 9 of this year. Contributions in his name may be made to the UNI Foundation.