UNI Position
Mathematics Faculty

Minutes of the Faculty Meeting of March 22, 1949

The Faculty met in Gilchrist Chapel at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, March 22, 1949, Dean Nelson presiding. Dean Nelson asked permission to bring before the Faculty a resolution concerning Miss Emma Lambert. There being no objection, and there being no member of the committee on resolutions present, the Secretary read the following resolutions as previously filed by the committee, composed of Henry Van Engen, Kathryn Buxbaum, and Edna Miller. An Appreciation On last February 14th, this faculty received the news that Emma F. Lambert, a member of the Department of Mathematics, since the year 1901, had died. Many of the faculty and alumni upon reading of her death must have paused for a time to recall some unforgettable moment in her classes or in her office, for she was a teacher and colleague not soon forgotten. As a teacher of mathematics she was superb. Many people today are thinking of her with gratitude because of the sound training and worthwhile insight received under her guidance. Her ability to work with the younger generation was no doubt due to her Christian philosophy and her sincere interest in students as individuals. Nor was her influence upon students limited to the classroom; many of them went to her home to receive approval for their achievements or to obtain the advice and encouragement which they needed to go on to better things. Long after their graduate days, alumni have remembered her helpfulness and her personal interest in the welfare of her former students. Her close contact with these was evidenced by the flood of letters she received at times of serious illness; no greater tribute could be paid a teacher. 

Her keen intellect and balanced judgment made her a valued member of the Department of Mathematics. She maintained a constant interest in professional problems and in professional organizations. Her contributions at staff meetings were always positive and well received by her colleagues. She was a valued member of many faculty committees and was in constant demand as an advisor and sponsor of religious and social organizations. Miss Emma Lambert was regarded with respect and admiration by all those faculty members who had the privilege of knowing her; a respect engendered by her high ideals, her dignity and integrity, as well as her consideration for the well being of others. The teaching profession has lost an irreplaceable member. She will not soon be forgotten because she has touched the lives of a goodly number of those who survive her. Signed., Henry Van Engen, Chairman Kathryn Buxbaum Edna Miller It was moved by Mr. Getchell and seconded that these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Faculty and that copies be sent to members of the family of Miss Lambert. The motion was unanimously adopted.