UNI Position
Laboratory School Faculty

To: All Faculty Members From: James G. Martin, Vice-President and Provost Date: November 27, 1972 Miss Marna Peterson, Emeritus Associate Professor of Teaching, passed away Friday evening, November 24, 1972, at Le Mesa, California. Miss Peterson was born at Loda, Illinois, December 7, 1889. She received her B.Ph. degree at the University of Chicago in 1913 and her M.A. degree at Columbia University in 1925. She taught in rural schools before attending the University of Chicago. After obtaining her degree she taught in elementary schools in Oak Park, Illinois, for three years before becoming Elementary Supervisor at Teachers College, De Kalb, Illinois, in 1917. 

She joined the staff of Iowa State Teachers College, now the University of Northern Iowa, in 1920, as supervisor of teaching of English and was Elementary School Principal at the Campus School from 1941 until her retirement in 1954. She had been a member of the National Education Association, the Iowa State Teachers Association, the Department of Supervisors and Directors of Instruction, and the American Council on Education. She resigned from her position as Associate Professor of Teaching in 1954 but continued to live in Cedar Falls with Miss Buxbaum until she moved to Grossmont Gardens at Le Mesa, California, in 1969. Her body will be cremated and burial will be at Loda, Illinois.