UNI Position
Physical Education Faculty and Coach

To: All Faculty Members 

From: James G. Martin, Vice-President and Provost 

Date: March 20, 1973 

Lawrence W. (Mon) Whitford, Emeritus Associate Professor of Physical Education for Men, died Sunday at Sartori Hospital, Cedar Falls, of a cerebral hemorrhage. Mr. Whitford was born in Edgerton, Wisconsin, July 7, 1897. He earned his bachelor's degree in 1924 at Iowa State Teachers College after winning twelve letters in football, baseball, and basketball. He received his master's degree from the University of Michigan in 1939. Before coming to the University of Northern Iowa, he taught at Monticello and Pocahontas High Schools. 

He coached the Panthers from 1926 to 1966 and won 302 games and lost 211 during those years. He was also a professional umpire on the Class AAA level and officiated in the Big Ten for fifteen years. He coached two Panthers who are currently on major league teams--Eddie Watt of Baltimore and Duane Josephson of Boston. He was named the NCAA District Five Coach of the Year in 1963 and 1965 and took his teams to district playoffs three times. He went to the college division finals in his last year as coach. Whitford was enshrined into five different Halls of Fame, including the American Association of College Baseball Coaches, the North Central Conference, Helms, Sports of Sorts, and the Iowa High School Athletic Association. 

Funeral services will be held at 1 p.m. Wednesday, March 21, at the First Presbyterian Church in Cedar Falls. Burial will be at the Cedar Valley Memorial Garden cemetery. A memorial has been established with the UNI Foundation and those who wish may contribute to this fund in his name.