UNI Position
Laboratory School Faculty

To: College of Education Faculty -- Date: April 1, 1985 --  Corinne Harper 


Corinne Harper, former member of the Department of Teaching, died on February 17, 1985, at Lee Summit, Missouri. Professor Harper joined the faculty of Iowa State Teachers College in 1947 and retired in 1983. Before coming to ISTC, she taught eleven years in Kansas City, Missouri, and one year as a graduate assistant at the University of Missouri Laboratory School in Columbia. Dr. Harper graduated from Kansas City Teachers College in 1935, received her Master's degree in Education in 1942 and her Ed.D. in 1951, both from the University of Missouri. 

During her thirty years of teaching in the Price Laboratory School she made significant and effective contributions to curriculum development and to the teacher education program of the university. She took an active leadership role in both state and national social studies organizations, wrote materials in professional journals which received national attention, and developed a model for 8th grade camping experience. Corinne will be remembered for her leadership, devotion to her pupils, and loyalty to her colleagues. Those within the wide circle of her friends and acquaintances have been enriched by her generosity, her sense of humor, and her personal concern and devotion to the welfare of others. 

Mary Margaret Schmitt, Chair Ferd Riechmann Howard Vander Beek James Welch