Faculty History at UNI

Roster of Faculty and Administrators, 1876-present
This database attempts to list all faculty and administrators who have served at UNI since its beginning as the Iowa State Normal School in 1876. The roster shows full names, department affiliation, academic rank, years of service, and teaching or administrative assignment. The database is searchable by any of these elements, either singly or in combination.
Faculty Senate Chairs, Vice Chairs, and Secretaries, 1937-present
A chronological roster of Faculty Senate officers.
Faculty Leaders, 1959-present
A chronological roster of Faculty officers.
College Deans, 1968-present
A college-by-college chronological roster of Deans.
Biographical Sketches
Biographical sketches, frequently obituaries or memorial statements, about UNI faculty and staff. This collection of sketches is arranged alphabetically by last name.
Heads of the Library
Brief chronological roster, with portraits, of those who have headed the Library.
Library Administrative History
An historical essay on the development of the administrative structure in the Library.