Donation Guidelines

Rod Library Special Collections & University Archives welcomes donations of books, papers, and other media that are in keeping with its collection development policy and within the limits of its staff and spatial resources. Please see the SC&UA Collection Development Guidelines on the Library's Collection Policies page for detailed information about our collecting guidelines and about materials we accept and do not accept at this time.

If you have material that you wish to donate, please visit with Tessa Wakefield, Interim University Archivist, in the Rod Library or send an email to (link sends e-mail).


Of special value to the book collections are local historical materials, fine press books especially from Midwest printers, and classic fine printing.

University Archives

Records of UNI student and faculty organizations and committees, office and departmental records, faculty and staff research files and manuscripts, correspondence, diaries, scrapbooks and photographs, ephemeral materials such as posters and flyers, audio visual materials, and more are potential candidates for inclusion in the University Archives.


In the area of manuscripts, SC&UA seeks to build on its strengths in local political history and professional education associations, and aims to build its collection of daily lived experiences of Iowans from diverse backgrounds.  Other kinds of collections will also be considered.

Make a Gift to Rod Library

The Rod Library is more than a repository of books and periodicals at the University of Northern Iowa. It is an essential element of the campus learning community. The Library is both a gateway to historical and contemporary resources and a place where students, scholars and others come to imagine their future. To make a gift, please visit Make a Gift to Rod Library.

Our library provides a wealth of resources that support teaching, learning, and research across all departments. Thank you for your interest in supporting University of Northern Iowa Library! Your gift(s) will strengthen the UNI Library and help ensure that UNI students, faculty, and staff continue to have access to world-class library collections and resources.