A President's Cottage (the present Honors Cottage) was built in 1890 to house the college president and his family.  When a new President's House was built in 1909, the President's Cottage became a temporary hospital, the first health facility on campus.  Hospital doors opened on November 2, 1909.

President's Cottage in late 1890s
President's Cottage in late 1890s

A two-story brick hospital was built in 1912, primarily for the care of students with contagious diseases.


In the early 1920's, this "isolation hospital" was enlarged and became known as the College Hospital.

Room in College Hospital
Room in College Hospital

In later years, the building was used as a Biology Annex until it burned in 1970.  The structure stood behind the Seerley portion of Seerley-Baker Hall, to the west of Wright Hall.

F. N. Mead
Dr. F. N. Mead

Dr. F. N. Mead, a local physician and surgeon, was named the school's Health Director in 1920.

He was on campus from 7 to 8 a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. for office hours each day.  He also took time to visit the sick in dormitories and the hospital.

Dr. Mead had an office in the building which was originally the Chapel during the days of the orphanage.

Iowa State Normal School used the building as a boys' dormitory, known as North Hall.  It became the residence of the Custodian of Buildings and Grounds in 1892.  This two-story brick building stood in the center of campus, facing east, between the Physics Building and Central Hall.

Former hospital
Former hospital

In 1924, two wood frame farmhouses were moved from the 40 acres west of campus to the area just west of the College Hospital, and the three buildings stood in a line, facing south, behind Seerley-Baker Hall.

Isolation or detention hospital
Isolation or detention hospital

The westernmost house, the one on the left in the above photo, was used as an "isolation" or "detention" hospital.  The other served as offices for the college physician, Dr. Mead, and his assistant.  The dark, brick house to the far right is the College Hospital.

Student Health Center until 1962
Student Health Center until 1962

The latter building remained the Student Health Center until 1962.  At that time, a new Health Center was built on 23rd Street, near the northwest corner of campus.

Student Health Center
Student Health Center

This building housed a sixteen-bed infirmary on the main level and nurses' living quarters on the second floor. The infirmary was discontinued in the fall of 1973, but the Health Center continues in operation today.

Compiled by Library Assistant Joyce Alberts, August 1992; images scanned and Web page created by Library Assistant Susan Basye, March 1998; last modified October 28, 2011 (GP).