Reproductions & Copyright Policy
Learn more about our policies on reproductions and copyright below.
Reproductions Policy
Most material currently open for research in the Rod Library Special Collections & University Archives may be reproduced (by way of photocopy, digitization, digital photography, etc.), though fees may be involved (see Fees Schedule, effective Fall 2017). We are also happy to email digitized or born-digital copies of an item to long-distance patrons upon request, though please note that this process incurs additional fees. In cases where we digitize materials for patrons, we will send the requested files electronically. The files will be available for patrons to download for 90 days; it is the patron's responsibility to retrieve the files within that timeframe.
To initiate your reproduction request, please fill out this form and return it to the reference desk in the SC&UA reading room or email (link sends e-mail)
Regarding reproductions of Special Collections & University Archives materials, we do ask that you respect the following conditions:
- Given our resources, we can fulfill requests of up to 10 scans or copies per patron per week. For example, this means digital reproductions of 10 photographs, slides, pages from a report, etc.
- Cite Special Collections & University Archives, Rod Library, University of Northern Iowa as the source of the information, wherever and however you may use it next (see our preferred citation above, and the "More Resources" tab in the Copyright LibGuide)
- Please note that it is the patron's, not the library's, responsibility to determine copyright restrictions, publication restrictions or licensing, model release rights, and subsequent fair use of any and all intellectual property accessed through Rod Library Special Collections & University Archives. We are not responsible for unlawful or contested use of materials currently under copyright.
- Please note that permission to publish material to which the university does own copyright (e.g. university publications or newsletters) does not convey, authorize, or imply exclusive rights to the item in question. In every instance, the university fully retains its own right to publish material and reserves its right to authorize others to do so.
- Please respect a librarian, archivist, or assisting staff member's evaluation of an item as too fragile, confidential, restricted under known copyright license, or otherwise unsuitable for reproduction in any given format. We reserve the right to refuse reproduction on reasonable grounds, to insist that patrons stop photographing or scanning materials at any time, and/or to remove all reproductive devices from the reading room at any time.
- We also reserve the right to limit the number of copies made or requested by each patron. This right to limit reproduction also extends to how much of a given book, item, or collection patrons will be permitted to reproduce. The extent of an item or collection that may be copied will be determined on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration such factors as condition, value, uniqueness, confidentiality, and size, among others.
- Please pay all relevant fees prior to receiving your reproductions (see Fees Schedule, effective Fall 2017).
- Digital cameras, including cell phone cameras, are permitted and may be used to reproduce materials at no additional cost, provided that patrons observe the conditions below:
- No flash photography.
- The camera may not touch, move, or push along the page. Such hand-held scanners are not considered cameras under this policy and are not permitted.
- The patron must sign a reproduction permissions form.
- The patron understands that this free photography is for private research purposes only, and that the photographs may not be published or circulated anywhere else, including personal webpages, blogs, social media, or text messaging.
- Any photograph of archival material which is reproduced in an academic assignment or in UNI course materials (e.g. a lecture PowerPoint or class handout), must be cited and given attribution, though there is still no charge.
- Note: Similar consideration may be given on a case-by-case basis to community members who are current school teachers (public, private, or homeschool) or students under 18 and who wish to use photographs of archival material for educational purposes only, provided they, too, cite and give proper attribution.
- Photography intended for publication, commercial and/or academic, or for public display (e.g. in an exhibit or conference poster) must be cleared though the department head, must be given proper attribution, and will be treated as "Digital Imaging" under the fees schedule (effective Fall 2017).
- If and when requested, please sign a consent form, acknowledging that you have read and understood the library's reproduction and copyright policy. We reserve the right to disallow reproduction of our materials in the instance that any given party refuses to sign.
- Please do not remove items from the Special Collections reading room at any time in the process of reproducing them, or for any other reason, without express permission from the division head. Any attempt to do so will be treated as an act of theft.
Copyright Statement
Many items housed in the Rod Library Special Collections & University Archives, including unpublished images and manuscripts, may be protected by copyright, publication rights, trademarks, or model release rights which the library does not own and for which the library cannot grant permission or licensing. Materials currently under copyright are usually still available for research and limited reproduction under Fair Use laws. However, it is the sole responsibility of the patron to determine whether or not their use of a given material falls within Fair Use guidelines and to obtain permission for said use from the rightful copyright owner. If you are unsure where to begin, please consult the Copyright LibGuide. While we are happy to assist with copyright research, please note that it is not the library's responsibility to locate or contact copyright holders for a patron, and neither the library nor library employees are responsible for copyright violations of the materials to which they facilitate research access.
Both this Reproductions and Copyright Policy (effective Spring 2017) and the associated Fees Schedule (effective Fall 2017) have been approved by the Rod Library Dean's Advisory Group. Please direct all questions or concerns to Tessa Wakefield, Interim University Archivist ( (link sends e-mail)) and Theresa Westbrock, Dean of Library Services ( (link sends e-mail)).
Note of Fee Use
Any and all fees collected in relation to reproduction of Special Collections & University Archives materials will apply directly towards materials preservation and collection development initiatives within the Rod Library Special Collections & University Archives unit. They will not be used for any other purpose.