UNI Position
Safety Education Faculty

August 5, 1958

Office of the President

To the Members of the Faculty

The death of Mr. Bert L. Woodcock, Associate Professor of Safety Education and Director of Safety Education, occurred last evening at Sartori Hospital following a heart attack earlier in the day. Mr. Woodcock had suffered a previous attack earlier in the year but had recently appeared to be in better health and had met his morning classes as usual yesterday. Mr. Woodcock, who received his B. S. degree from Iowa State Teachers College and his M. A. degree from New York University, served as a member of the staff of Iowa State Teachers College since September 1946. Prior to this he spent about five years with the Iowa State Department of Safety as Field Representative and Director of Safety Education. He was a recognized authority in the work of the National Safety Council. Mr. Woodcock was a very capable and respected member of our staff. In addition to instructing large numbers of students on campus, he responded most generously to many calls from schoolmen and business leaders throughout the state seeking advice on safety education problems. His death is a very real loss to the college, the state, and the nation.

Funeral services will be held at 2:00 P.M. Thursday, August 7, at the Congregational Church, and burial will be in Fairview Cemetery. Any member of the staff who wishes to attend the service may do so by making arrangements with his administrative head. Instead of sending floral tributes to the services, the family prefers that contributions be made to the Alumni Scholarship Fund. The flag will be carried at half mast today and during the half day when the funeral occurs. The Campanile will be played during the funeral service in respect to the memory of Mr. Woodcock.