UNI Position
Music Faculty

To: Members of the Faculty - From: J. W. Maucker, President - Date: June 9, 1965

Dr. Edward Frampton Kurtz, former Professor of Violin., Ensemble, and Orchestra and Head of the Department of Music, from 1939 to 1951, died at Sartori Hospital, Tuesday evening, June 8, 1965. Dr. Kurtz was born July 31, 1881, in New Castle, Pennsylvania. He attended Pittsburgh Institute of Musical Arts from 1900-1902. In 1925, 1927, and 1933, he earned the B. M., M. M., and M. S. degrees from Detroit Conservatory, Cincinnati Conservatory, and the University of Iowa, respectively. In 1940, he received the D. Mus. at the Detroit Institute of Musical Arts. He became emeritus in 1951. Dr. Kurtz was an exceedingly active and respected member of our staff. He was a composer of considerable importance and had many articles accepted for publication. He was frequently a guest artist with university and civic orchestras, including the Symphony Orchestras of Cincinnati, Cleveland, Rochester (N. Y.), the University of Minnesota, and the University of Iowa. A memorial service is planned for this week (day-undecided) and will be held at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Waterloo. There will be no visitation at the Parrott and Wood Funeral Home. Dr. Kurtz has willed his body to the Medical School at the University of Iowa. The flag is being flown today at half mast as an expression of our respect and admiration for Dr. Kurtz.