UNI Position
Extension Faculty, Alumni Service Director

Office of the President - To Members of the Faculty - May 7, 1958 

News has been received of the death of Dr. A. C. Fuller, Emeritus Director of the Bureau of Alumni Service and Public School Relations, since 1947. Death occurred on Sunday morning, May 4, 1958, at West Englewood, New Jersey, where Mr. Fuller has made his home with his daughter, Mrs. John Brickner, since leaving Cedar Falls in October 1956. Mr. Fuller's professional career began in 1899 following the receipt of his M. Di. degree from the Iowa State Normal School. He served as Superintendent of Schools in Manning, Sidney, Storm Lake, and Washington, Iowa. In 1911 he received the B. A. degree from the State University of Iowa, and in 1937 Buena Vista College awarded him the honorary degree of LL. D. From 1913 to 1917 he served as State High School Inspector after which he joined the staff at Iowa State Teachers College, serving until 1934 as Associate Director of Extension Service when he assumed the direction of the newly-created Bureau of Alumni Service and Public School Relations, the post he held until his retirement in 1949. Active in community and civic affairs, Mr. Fuller served terms as President of the Cedar Falls Chamber of Commerce, as vice-president of the Iowa Society For Crippled Children and Adults, as Elder of the Cedar Falls Presbyterian Church, and as President of the Cedar Falls Rotary Club. In 1936-1937 he served as Governor of District 11, Rotary International. Funeral services will be held on Friday, May 9, at 2:00 p.m. at the Cedar Falls Presbyterian Church. The flag will be lowered to half mast and the Campanile will be played at 2:00 p.m. on Friday as an expression of respect and admiration for Mr. Fuller. Sincerely, J. W. Maucker, President. 

A. C. Fuller Dies; Former Alumni Head At Teachers College

A. C. Fuller, 80, emeritus professor at Iowa State Teachers College and former city councilman, died Sunday morning at Englewood, New Jersey, where he had been living with his daughter, Mrs. John Brickner. He had been ill for some time. Mr. Fuller assumed the emeritus status at Teachers College in 1949, where he had been alumni director since 1934. He served as a city councilman from 1951 to 1954. He was born in Wright County, May 16, 1877. He was superintendent of schools at Manning, Sydney, Storm Lake, and Washington from 1899 to 1913. He was state inspector of schools from 1913 to 1917. He taught in the rural education department at Teachers College in 1917 and from 1918 to 1922 served in the extension division and from 1922 to 1934 was assistant director of extension. He was also director of the state emergency education program in 1933-1934. He was made alumni director in 1934. He held the M. Di. degree from the lowa State Normal School and the B. A. degree from the University of lowa. He married Olive Whitmore, August 7, 1901, at Fairfield. He was a member of the lowa State Historical Society; the Iowa State Education Association, and the National Education Association. Also he was a member of Phi Delta Kappa honorary education fraternity, a past master of the Masonic lodge at Storm Lake, 11th district governor of Rotary International in 1936; past president of Cedar Falls Rotary Club, and former vice-president of the lowa Crippled Children's Society, and of the First Presbyterian Church. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Brickner and Mrs. Roger L. Preston, Grinnell. A son, Robert, and his wife, preceded him in death. There will be a memorial service at the First Presbyterian Church here Friday at 2 p. m. Relatives ask that any memorial contributions be made to the Alumni Scholarship fund at the Teachers College. Copyright Cedar Falls Record, May 5, 1958 

Dr. Albert C. Fuller, Director of the Bureau of Alumni Service and Public School Relations, Emeritus, passed away Sunday, May 4, 1958, in West Englewood, New Jersey. Mr. Fuller was born in Wright County, Iowa, May 16, 1877. He married Olive Whitmore of Fairfield, August 7, 1901, and was preceded in death by his wife and a son, Robert. He is survived by two daughters, Mrs. John Brickner of West Englewood, New Jersey, Mrs. Roger L. Preston, Grinnell, Iowa, and six grandchildren. Mr. Fuller's professional career began in 1899 following the receipt of his M.Di. degree from the Iowa State Normal School. He served as superintendent of schools in Manning, Sidney, Storm Lake, and Washington, Iowa. In 1911 he received the B.A. degree from the State University of Iowa and in 1937 Buena Vista College awarded him the honorary degree of LL. D. From 1913 to 1917 he served as State High School inspector. In 1917 he joined the staff of Iowa State Teachers College, serving until 1934 as Associate Director of Extension Service. He assumed the direction of the newly-created Bureau of Alumni Service and Public School Relations in 1934, holding this post until his retirement in 1949. He was connected with College activities until 1956. Active in community affairs at both the state and local level, Mr. Fuller served as President of the Cedar Falls Chamber of Commerce, Vice-President of the Iowa Society for Crippled Children, and President of Cedar Falls Rotary Club. 

In 1936 he was Governor of District No. 11 of Rotary International. He served on the Board of Ruling Elders of the First Presbyterian Church, Cedar Falls, from 1919 to 1943. break His record of fifty-three consecutive years of attendance at the state convention of the ISTA and its successor, the ISEA, testifies to his strong support of the professional education associations. He held continuous memberships in the State Association since 1897 and in the NEA and AASA since 1906. break The Campanile is a memorial to the Founders and Builders of the Iowa State Teachers College. The work done by Mr. Fuller as chairman and active manager of the Campanile Committee of the Alumni Association entitles him to be honored among the Founders and Builders of this College. Probably the greatest service that he rendered for the Alumni Association was as President of the Seerley Foundation from its organization in 1928 until 1957. In administering loans from this fund to students, he was helpful, conservative, and judicious. 

To his close associates there was an affability, an amiability, and a sense of humor about A. C. Fuller that greatly enhanced the friendship and the fellowship of his immediate coterie. These aspects of his character were not apparent to the casual acquaintance, although he was eminently easy to approach and ever showed an eagerness for new friends. He was a man of dignity and had a reserve about his personal affairs that prevented too great intimacy, even on the part of those who knew him well. He was ever a loyal supporter of his superior officers; he was magnanimous to his equals, and gracious and thoughtful to those whose duty it was to serve him. He was a conscientious, earnest, and sincere Christian gentleman of the old school. Be it resolved that we honor the memory of Albert C. Fuller and that this resolution be placed on the records of this body and that a copy be sent to the members of his family expressing our gratitude for his life of devoted service to the Iowa State Teachers College, to the State of Iowa, to public education, and to this community.

Fred D. Cram Milo Lawton Elmer L. Ritter, Chairman