UNI Position
Art Faculty
Word has been received that Emeritus Professor Donald G. Finegan died on 1 March 1996 in Guadalajara, Mexico, after suffering a heart attack. Professor Finegan joined the Department of Art of the then Iowa State Teachers College in 1955 and retired in 1988 after a long career as a teacher and a creative artist. As a teacher, Professor Finegan's areas of specialization in the Department of Art were ceramics and sculpture. As a creative artist, his art works are to be seen throughout Black Hawk County. He completed fifteen commissioned works of art for churches, schools, and museums in our community. Professor Finegan is survived by a daughter, Shawnee, of Spokane, Washington; two sons, Steve of Cedar Falls, and Kim of Sandpoint, Idaho; a brother, Joel, and a sister, Carol, both of California; and two granddaughters. Memorial services for Professor Finegan will be held in the Gallery of Art of the Kamerick Art Building, Thursday, 28 March, at 7 p.m. Department of Art