UNI Position
Business Manager

To: Members of the Faculty

From: J. W. Maucker, President

Date: December 29, 1965

Mr. Benjamin Boardman, Business Manager at State College of Iowa for twenty-eight years, passed away last evening, December 28, 1965, at Sartori Hospital. Mr. Boardman was born September 12, 1874, at Bradford, Illinois. He graduated from the Iowa State Normal School with a master of didactics degree in 1899, and he received the bachelor of philosophy degree from University of Iowa in 1901. He served as superintendent of schools at Shelby and Greene, Iowa, and later as editor and publisher of the Butler County Press at Greene. In 1914, he became county superintendent of schools in Butler County, a position he held until 1917 when he assumed his duties at the Iowa State Teachers College. Following his retirement in 1945, he continued to make his home in Cedar Falls.

The funeral service for Mr. Boardman will be held Friday morning at 10:00 a.m. in the First Methodist Church of Cedar Falls. The flag will be flown at half-mast Friday morning as an expression of respect and admiration for Mr. Boardman.

The Faculty Senate met in Seerley 102, 3:00 p.m., Monday, November 21, 1966, Keefe presiding.

1. The Chairman recognized Philip Jennings, who read the following resolution:

Benjamin Boardman On December 28, 1965, Benjamin Boardman passed away. For twenty-eight years he was Business Manager of the Iowa State Teachers College and reached the retirement age in 1945. After becoming emeritus, he continued to work on a part-time basis for another thirteen years.

He was born at Bradford, Illinois, on September 12, 1874, and attended the Iowa State Normal School, graduating in 1899. He then earned a bachelor of philosophy degree at the State University of Iowa in 1901. While a student in this college, he was a campus leader, a star backfield man on the football team, and a participant in other sports and in forensic activities. He served as Superintendent of Schools at Shelby and Greene, Iowa, and as County Superintendent in Butler County. At one time he was publisher and editor of the Butler County Press in Greene. He became Business Manager of the college in 1917. Ben Boardman served as Business Manager during the last decade of Dr. Seerley's presidency. These were years in which President Seerley and Ben Boardman were the administrators of the college. Under President Latham, the job of the Business Manager was made more difficult because of the impact of the Depression and the resulting necessity of frugality and strict economizing in all matters. Then came the war years under President Price with rapidly declining enrollments and the advent of military programs. In all these year, Mr. Boardman had responsibility in many areas: purchasing, accounting, serving as treasurer, etc. He took an active interest in college affairs and had a tremendous loyalty to the college and pride in its growth and reputation for excellence in the education of teachers. He also took time from his busy schedule as Business Manager to visit members of the staff--both academic and non-academic--who were hospitalized. Mr. Boardman helped to finance college education for a number of young people. He and Mrs. Boardman made a fine home for an adopted boy and girl and later on for a grandson who lived with them. Mr. Boardman was very active in community affairs, serving on the City Council and working with the Chamber of Commerce. For many years he taught a Sunday School Class for adults in the First Methodist Church--a class that continues even today under the name of "The Boardman Boosters".

The Senate is requested to make this statement a part of the official minutes and to send copies to Mrs. Boardman and to their two children.

By: D. Pendergraft P. C. Jennings Hake moved that this resolution be adopted. Bluhm seconded. Motion carried.