UNI Position
Art Faculty

MEMO TO: University Faculty and Staff 

FROM: William W. Lew, Head, Department of Art 

DATE: 20 July 1998 

RE: Marjorie Campbell 

Word has been received that Emeritus Associate Professor of Art Marjorie Campbell died on July 4, 1998, at the Western Home in Cedar Falls. A memorial service was held July 12, 1998. Professor Campbell received her degrees from Ohio State University and then taught art at junior and senior high schools in Ohio for nine years. From 1942-1945 she taught at the University of Missouri in Columbia and in 1945 she returned to Ohio State University as an Assistant Professor of Art and taught there until 1949. 

She joined the faculty at the University of Northern Iowa in 1949 teaching art education until her retirement in 1978. She was well known for her class, "Bones, Stones and Things," and her elaborate Halloween decorations of her home and yard on Main Street. 

Memorials may be directed to the Cedar Bend Humane Society, Waterloo, Iowa.