UNI Position
Business Education Faculty

TO: All Faculty and Staff Members 

FROM: Robert E. Morin, Dean, College of Business and Behavioral Sciences 

DATE: July 13, 1978 

Dr. Lloyd V. Douglas, emeritus professor of business education and office administration and the former Head of the Department of Business Education and Office Administration, died Wednesday, July 12, 1978, at University Hospital at Iowa City. 

Dr. Douglas was born in Brandon, Iowa, on August 4, 1902. He received his B. S. C. degree in 1923, M. A. degree in 1926, and Ph. D. degree in 1936; all three degrees were received from the State University of Iowa. Dr. Douglas began his long and illustrious teaching career as Head of the High School Commercial Department at Jefferson, Iowa, in 1923. He came to UNI (Iowa State Teachers College) in 1937 as the Head of the Department of Business Education; he served as Head of the Department until his retirement in 1970. Dr. Douglas was the author of many articles and books in the field of business education. He was selected to receive many professional honors during his lifetime; in 1960, he was selected to receive the prestigious John Robert Gregg Award as the "Outstanding Business Educator in America." Dr. Douglas was an outstanding national leader in business education, and in Iowa he was fondly referred to as "Mr. Business Education." Since Dr. Douglas' retirement from the University in 1970, he has remained very active in both professional and civic organizations. He especially enjoyed being one of the Cedar Falls Ambassadors of the Chamber of Commerce. 

Funeral services will be held on Saturday, July 15, 1978, at 10:30 a.m. at the United Church of Christ, 9204 University Avenue, Cedar Falls. Interment will be at 3:00 p.m. in Iowa City. Mrs. Douglas (Virginia Marston) has requested that a Memorial Fund be established in Dr. Douglas's name. 

Board of Regents: Ratification of actions reported in the Register of Personnel Changes for April, 1969; Changes in Appointments 

Lloyd V. Douglas from Professor of Business Education and Head of the Department of Business and Business Education to Professor of Business Education and Head of the Department of Business Education and Office Administration, effective September 1, 1969, at a salary to be determined when the 1969-70 budget is prepared. 

Dr. Douglas, 66, received his B. S. C., M. A., and Ph. D. degrees from the University of Iowa. He assumed his present responsibilities as department head at U. N. I. in September 1937; prior to that time he had completed fourteen years of teaching experience which included high school and junior college teaching in Iowa and three years as head of the Department of Business at New Mexico Highlands University, at Las Vegas. He was promoted to the rank of professor at U. N. I. in 1946. 


Dr. Lloyd V. Douglas, head of the department of business education and office administration at the University of Northern Iowa who is retiring in August, 1970, has been honored by two state-wide student business organizations. Phi Beta Lambda, college business fraternity, and the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), high school business interest group, have both designated 1969-70 as "Lloyd V. Douglas Year" for all chapters in the state. Douglas founded both groups in Iowa in 1940. 

Dr. Douglas has been at UNI since 1937, when he came here as head of the business and business education department. This year he became head of the newly formed department of business education and office administration. He holds the rank of professor of business education. He graduated from high school in LaPorte City in 1919 and earned three degrees in commerce (business administration, accounting, economics) at the State University of Iowa: the B. S. C. in 1923, M. A. in 1926, and Ph. D. in 1936. Prior to joining the UNI faculty, he taught at Jefferson, was superintendent at Beaver and Stratford schools, taught at Burlington High School and Junior College, and was head of the department of business education at New Mexico Normal University at Las Vegas, New Mexico. 

Dr. Douglas has written numerous articles for business and educational journals, newsletters, and yearbooks. He is the author and co-author of textbooks in business education. Several honors have been conferred upon Dr. Douglas including selection for biographical listing in "Who's Who in America," "The International Year Book and Statesmen's Who's Who," and "The Biographical Encyclopedia of the United States." In 1960 Dr. Douglas received the John Robert Gregg Award as "Outstanding Business Educator." In 1966 he was given a UNI Alumni Service Award for meritorious service to the Alumni Association of the University in the cause of education. 

Dr. Douglas belongs to several business and educational professional organizations and is a member of Delta Pi Epsilon, national graduate honorary in business education; Pi Omega Pi, national honorary in business education (past national president and national organizer); and Phi Delta Kappa, national honorary in education. A member of the Cedar Falls Chamber of Commerce, he has served on several committees, as treasurer, and as president in 1944-1946, and received the Chamber's 1966 Cedar Falls "Representative Citizen" award. He is also active in the Cedar Falls Lions Club (president in 1949-1950) and the Office Executive's Club of the Cedar Falls-Waterloo area.


Services for Dr. Lloyd V. Douglas, former head of the University of Northern Iowa business education and office administration department, will be 10:30 a.m. Saturday at United Church of Christ. Interment will be at 3 p.m. at the Oakland Cemetery, Iowa City. Douglas died Wednesday afternoon July 12, 1978, at University Hospitals, Iowa City. He was admitted to the hospital more than one week ago. 

Douglas, 75, of 1114 W. 19th Street, Cedar Falls, was born in Brandon, Iowa, August 4, 1902, the son of Dora and Delbert Douglas. A 1919 graduate of La Porte City High School, Douglas earned three degrees in commerce from the State University of Iowa (now the University of Iowa) in Iowa City. He received his Ph. D. in 1936. He married Grace Waddell in Nevada, Iowa, August 26, 1925. She preceded him in death in 1972. In 1973 he married Virginia Marston. He is survived by his wife, one sister, Mrs. C. C. (Beulah Douglas) Beales of Iowa City, and one nephew, Gordon Beales of Marshalltown. 

In 1937, Douglas joined the UNI faculty as head of the then business and business education department. Before coming to UNI, he taught at Jefferson, was superintendent at Beaver and Stratford schools, and taught at Burlington High School and Junior College. He also was head of the business education department at New Mexico Normal University, Las Vegas, New Mexico. Before his retirement in 1970, Douglas had been cited for several achievements in the state. In 1940, he founded Phi Beta Lambda, a college business fraternity, and the Future Business Leaders of America, a high school business interest group. They designated 1969-70 as "Lloyd V. Douglas Year" for all chapters in the state. 

Douglas received the John Robert Gregg award as outstanding business educator in 1960. Six years later he was presented a UNI Alumni Service Award for meritorious service to the association for the University in education. He was a national president and national organizer of Pi Omega Pi, national business education honorary. Douglas served as president of the Cedar Falls Chamber of Commerce from 1944-1946. He was president of the Lions Club from 1949-1950. 

The family requests that memorials be made to the Lloyd V. Douglas Business Education Scholarship Fund through the UNI Foundation. Checks may be made payable to the UNI Foundation and marked for the Douglas Scholarship Fund.