UNI Position
Chemistry Faculty

January 10, 1994 

TO: UNI Faculty and Staff 

Dr. James W. Kercheval, 87, Professor of Chemistry Emeritus died on Sunday, January 2, 1994, in Cedar Falls. Dr. Kercheval was born in Rowan, Iowa, on October 7, 1906. He received a bachelor of arts degree from Iowa State Teachers College in 1929 and his master's degree and doctorate from the University of Iowa in 1934 and 1939, respectively. He was a professor of chemistry at the University of Northern Iowa from 1949 until his retirement in 1972. 

Dr. Kercheval taught organic chemistry in the Chemistry Department for several years. He was well respected by students and colleagues in the department. He asked that all his students do their best and accepted nothing less. He was unselfish in his contribution of time and energy to the effective functioning of the Chemistry Department at UNI. He will be remembered by his friends and colleagues who worked with him. He maintained his residence in Cedar Falls after retirement. 

Dr. Kercheval was preceded in death by his wife of fifty-nine years, Esther, in 1988. He is survived by two brothers, Charles of Largo, Florida, and Dr. Marion of Grand Junction, Colorado. There were no services. Burial will be later in Rowan, Iowa.