UNI Position
Sociology Faculty

Dohrman, H. Theodore 

07/11/1915 ~ 05/08/2015 


Ted was born July 11, 1915, to Henry and Louise Dohrman in Emerson, Nebraska. He graduated Summa Cum Laude with majors in Sociology and History from Wayne State Teachers College, followed by admission to the Harvard Divinity School, where he earned his first degree, Bachelor of Science of Theology in 1944 and later his Ph .D. In 1949. 

He accepted a position at the University of Northern Iowa. Taking a leave of absence in 1957, Ted did Post-Doctoral Research in London, where he had the privilege of shaking hands with Queen Elizabeth. In 1958, Doctor Dohrman authored a book titled California Cult, a book about extreme American cults of that time. In 1961, he applied for and became the first American professor to teach at the University of Kabul, Afghanistan, under a State Department program. 

Ted traveled to every continent except South America. He called it his "Wanderlust," a German word describing a lure to wander or travel. Starting in his late eighties, he began composing an amazing twenty-four volumes of memoirs, all personally typed on his faithful IBM electric typewriter. 

Ted enjoyed his retirement for many years in San Diego with his wife Mary, who predeceased him in 2009. He is survived by his brother, Paul; and several nephews and nieces. 

On May 8, 2015, Ted died peacefully in his sleep in the comfort of his own home at the age of 99, just two months shy of being a centenarian. A memorial service was held at First United Methodist Church. 

San Diego Union Tribune, June 21, 2015; downloaded April 4, 2016.