UNI Position
Music Faculty

Former music professor dies at 54 of heart attack 

Henry B. Harris, 54, formerly professor of music at the State College of Iowa, died of a heart ailment July 30, 1965, at East Lansing, Michigan. At the time of his death he was professor of piano at Michigan State University, and he was a member of the staff of the National Music Camp at Interlocken. 

He was well known in this area for his weekly radio program, Piano Profiles, in which he analyzed the music that he was playing on the piano. This program proved so popular that it was carried regularly on the entire network of the National Education Association of Broadcasters. The last series of this program was carried on station KCFI on July 30, the day Mr. Harris died. While a professor here, Mr. Harris was also honored by being asked to be guest soloist with the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Dmitri Mitropoulos. He was guest soloist for the Waterloo Symphony Orchestra on many occasions. 

Mr. Harris was born in Brooklyn, New York, July 29, 1911. He attended high school in Pittsburgh. He received his B. A. degree from the Philadelphia Conservatory of Music and did graduate work at Juilliard School of Music and at Leipzig Conservatory of Music in Germany. Mr. Harris is survived by his wife, Fanny Harris, and his daughter, Susan. 

Adapted from an article in the College Eye, August 13, 1965, page 2.