UNI Position
Food Service Supervisor

To: All Staff Members - From: D. R. Walton, Director of Personnel - Date: March 30, 1972 

Mrs. Fern Grubb, Supervisor in Campbell Food Service prior to her retirement in July 1969, passed away at St. Mary's Hospital in Rochester, Minnesota, Monday, March 27, 1972, of cancer. Mrs. Grubb joined the staff of the University of Northern Iowa in October 1948. She served as unit supervisor in the Campbell Food Center during her last ten years of service. Services for Mrs. Grubb will be Thursday, March 30, 1972, at 2 p.m. in Katherine G. Pahl Memorial Chapel in Waterloo Memorial Park Cemetery. The flag will be flown at half-mast during the time of the funeral services in memory of Mrs. Grubb.