UNI Position
Laboratory School Faculty

10/16/69 - Former Head of UNI Teaching Department Dies in California

Cedar Falls--Word has been received here of the death of Dr. Eva May Luse Smith who served as head of the University of Northern Iowa teaching department and director of the Campus Laboratory School from 1918 until 1941. Dr. Luse, 92, died September 25, 1969, in Los Angeles, California, following an extended illness. Born on September 15, 1877, in Oxford, Iowa, she was buried in the Maple Grove Cemetery at Audubon. She began her teaching career in the public schools of Iowa in 1895 and served on the UNI faculty from 1906 until her retirement in 1941. In 1940 she married Dr. Eugene Smith, head of the department of mathematics at Teachers College, Columbia University, and an internationally known scholar, educator, lecturer, and author. Dr. Luse held the B. A., M. A., and Ph. D. degrees from the University of Iowa. She also held the bachelor and master of didactics degrees from UNI. She was a member of Phi Beta Kappa scholastic honor fraternity, Pi Lambda Theta honorary education sorority, and Kappa Delta Pi honorary education fraternity. Widely known as a lecturer for educational organizations, she was co-author of "Problems and Practice Arithmetic," "Walks and Talks in Numberland," and "Canadian Arithmetics." She collaborated with her husband, Dr. Smith, on a number of textbooks. She was a recipient of the UNI Alumni Achievement Award in 1959.