UNI Position
Science Faculty

To: Members of the Faculty - From: J. W. Maucker, President - Date: February 20, 1964 

We have received word of the death of Dr. E. J. Cable, Emeritus, at St. Luke's Hospital in Cedar Rapids. Dr. Cable has been residing with relatives in Cedar Rapids since his resignation from active service in May 1963. He came to State College of Iowa in 1905 and served well and faithfully for fifty-eight years. He was graduated from Cornell College with the B. S. in 1900 and the M. S. in 1903; following this he studied for two years at the University of Chicago, and received his Ph. D. degree from the State University of Iowa in 1916. Dr. Cable began his service at the college as an assistant professor of geography in 1905; later he became professor of earth science and head of the Department of Natural Science. In 1937 he assumed the headship of the Department of Science (representing physical science and natural science) and served as professor and head until 1948, when he assumed emeritus status and served as Curator of the Museum until the end of the 1962-63 academic year. 

Dr. Cable was an exceedingly active and respected member of this faculty, serving on many important faculty committees. He was author or co-author of five books and, in addition, wrote extensively for scientific journals. Funeral services will be at the First Methodist Church in Cedar Falls at l:30 p.m. on Saturday, February 22, 1964. The Nelson Funeral Home will have charge of the service. Survivors include one son, Emmett Van Cable, who resides at Monroe, Michigan. The Campanile will be played at 1:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon and the flag will be flown at half mast as an expression of our respect and admiration for Dr. Cable.