UNI Position
Laboratory School Faculty

September 8, 1955

To Members of the Faculty: News has just come to this office of the death of Miss Emma Opfer at her home at Waukon, Iowa. The report indicated that she died of a heart attack during the night. Miss Opfer had been a member of the staff of the Department of Teaching for many years. She had resigned during the past summer because of ill health. She served faithfully and efficiently over a long period of time. She always exhibited a kindly interest in the students who came under her supervision and she will long be remembered for her graciousness and her remarkable attitude of optimism and expectancy. No definite information has yet been received concerning the burial services. However, if services are held on a school day, members of the staff who so desire may be excused from class work to attend the service. Today the flag is being carried at half mast in respect to her memory. Sincerely, J. W. Maucker President

Minutes of the Faculty Meeting - October 10, 1955 - Docket No. 537 

The Faculty met in Gilchrist Chapel Monday, October 10, 1955. Mr. Howard, presiding, opened the meeting at 4:20. Mr. Howard recognized Mr. VanderBeek who read the following appreciation of Miss Emma Opfer and moved that it be spread upon the Faculty minutes and copies sent to members of the family. The motion was seconded and passed. EMMA H. OPFER Occasionally one knows a true friend. Such was the privilege granted the many who knew Emma Opfer. Her warmth of personality, vibrancy of spirit, generosity of self, and exemplification of Christian ideals endeared her to countless numbers in many and varied walks of life--especially children and parents, college students, and colleagues. All will lead richer lives because of their contacts with her. Emma Opfer was reared in Waukon, Iowa. She received a two-year diploma from Iowa State Teachers College, the B. A. degree from the University of Chicago, and the M. A. degree from Columbia University. She did further graduate work at the University of Chicago. She taught in various public schools, Cedar Falls, Waterloo, Vinton, and Atlantic being among those in Iowa. 

She served as an Instructor in several summer sessions of our college before joining the staff of the Department of Teaching in 1930, where she served continuously until June 1955. As a student and teacher she displayed a keen intellect, setting high standards of performance for herself as well as for her students. No one will forget her sparkling sense of humor and the kindliness with which she used that gift. The teaching profession will miss her, as will the many social, cultural, and civic groups in which she took an active part; but most of all she will be missed by the innumerable individuals who say, "Emma Opfer was a friend of mine." In her passing, we salute her--a lady gracious in spirit and bearing. The committee recommends that this expression of appreciation be spread upon the minutes of the faculty and that copies be sent to the members of her family. 

Respectfully submitted, Esther Boehlje Howard VanderBeek Lucile E. Anderson, Chairman