UNI Position
Home Economics Faculty

To: Faculty and Staff - From: Dr. Ronald A. Chung, Head, Department of Home Economics - Date: February 5, 1987 

Word has been received of the death of Professor Emeritus Emily Josephine Yeager, on September 12, 1986. She was born April 28, 1902, in Willow Springs, Missouri. She received her B. S. degree in foods and nutrition from Louisiana State University in 1924; M. S. from Colorado University in 1928; and did graduate work at Columbia University, New York City. Miss Yeager taught in public schools in Colorado for twelve years, and worked with the American Red Cross for four years during World War II as Head of Recreation at Camp Crowder, Missouri. After the war she taught briefly in Big Rapids, Michigan. In 1949 she accepted the position of head of the Home Economics Department at Polytechnic Institute, San Germain, Puerto Rico. She was a professor of foods and nutrition in the Home Economics Department at UNI from 1954 until her resignation in May 1968. She and her sister retired to Bradenton, Florida, in 1969. In 1983 Jo moved to Cleveland, Mississippi, to be near nephews and nieces.