UNI Position
Placement Director

To: All Staff Members - From: J. W. Maucker, President - Date. June 5, 1968

Dr. Edward W. Goetch, former Director of the Placement Bureau at University of Northern Iowa, passed away on June 3, 1968, at Sartori Hospital in Cedar Falls. He was born in Cresco, Iowa, on April 13, 1881, received the B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees at the University of Iowa, and joined the staff at University of Northern Iowa in 1918 as Professor of Rural Education. Dr. Goetch served as Director of the Placement Bureau from 1928 until 1951, at which time he assumed emeritus status, and as Placement Consultant until 1963. He had been a member of Phi Delta Kappa, National Society for the Study of Education, National Society of College Teachers of Education, National Education Association, American Association of College Professors, Iowa State Teachers Association, Iowa Institutional Placement Association, National Institutional Placement Association, American Association of School Administrators, and American College Personnel Association. 

Funeral services for Dr. Goetch will be at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 6, at the Bradley-Lindstrom Funeral Home in Cresco, Iowa, with burial in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Cresco. The flag will be flown at half-mast Thursday afternoon in memory of Dr. Goetch. A memorial scholarship fund is being established through the University of Northern Iowa Foundation. 

Senate Minutes - January 20, 1969 935 1. 

The Chairman asked the Secretary to read the following resolution: Dr. Edward W. Goetch, Emeritus Director of Placement, University of Northern Iowa, passed away on Monday, June 3, 1968. Dr. Goetch initially taught in the University Department of Education, followed by many years of service as Director of Placement until his retirement from active administrative work on June 1, 1963. Born April 13, 1881, in Cresco, Iowa, he attended the public schools there, followed by several years and summers of work at the University of Northern Iowa, after which he attended the University of Iowa where he was awarded his B. A., M. A., and Ph. D. degrees. He held membership in Phi Delta Kappa, Iowa State Education Association, National Education Association, and was one of the founders and an especially vital leader of the National Institutional Teacher Placement Association, serving as president in 1941-1942. 

Dr. Goetch was listed in both Who Is Who in American Education and Leaders in Education. He was particularly interested in action research, contributed frequently to professional journals, and enjoyed an excellent reputation as a public speaker. Dr. Goetch did all of his professional work in Iowa, serving as a rural school teacher, elementary principal, secondary principal, and for eight years was superintendent of schools in Bedford and Spencer. In 1918 he joined the University of Northern Iowa staff as Professor of Education, a position he held until 1928 when he become Director of Placement, a position he held with distinction until his retirement in 1951. From 1951 until 1963 he served in an emeritus capacity as Placement Consultant. At a time when placement as a field of educational work was in its infancy, Dr. Goetch very ably designed and directed a Placement Bureau on this campus that served as a model for many institutions throughout the nation. Dr. Goetch particularly cherished his acquaintance with the many students using the services of the Placement Bureau and was equally proud of the fact that he was personally acquainted with practically every public school superintendent in Iowa and many in adjacent states, who regularly looked to him to recommend personnel. 

There have been many men and women in public education in Iowa and elsewhere who valued their years of professional relationship with Dr. Goetch as he assisted them in their professional advancement. During his long tenure as a Cedar Falls citizen, Dr. Goetch contributed effectively to the community. He served as President of the Rotary Club in 1944-1945; engaged actively in Methodist Church and Wesley Foundation work; scouting; and such Masonic organizations as Knights Templar, Shrine, and Eastern Star. Those of us who worked closely with Dr. Goetch admired his unfailing interest in and loyalty to the University of Northern Iowa. Few staff members have been privileged to know professionally so many graduates with the resultant keen interest in and concern for their professional accomplishments. As colleagues we learned from him the great pride, joy, and satisfaction that comes from engaging wholeheartedly in those professional responsibilities which are ours. May this resolution of appreciation to Dr. Goetch, whom we knew and admired as a professional educator of great stature, be made a part of the records of the University Faculty Senate with copies being sent to his wife and son. 

Raymond J. Schlicher Ernest C. Fossum Frank E. Martindale