UNI Position
Physical Education Faculty

April 15, 1963 - To: Members of the Faculty, State College of Iowa - From: J. W. Maucker, President 

Miss Doris E. White, Professor of Physical Education for Women, who served the college from 1915 to the time of her retirement, January 15, 1954, passed away at Friendship Haven, Ft. Dodge, Iowa, April 14, 1963. She received her B. A. from Simpson College and the M. A. from Teachers College, Columbia University. Prior to her service at SCI she taught at the Indianola High School and the county high school at Dillon, Montana. She became an instructor in our Department of Physical Education for Women in 1915, retiring as a professor in 1954. Miss White was a very capable and respected member of our staff. She gave generously of her time and talents to numerous local and state activities; she served on the Cedar Falls Girl Scout Council, the Red Cross Life Saving Committee, and as an advisor to the City Recreation and Health Council. Miss White was co-author of the highly respected Wild and White textbook on Physical Education in the Elementary Grades, which is now in its seventeenth edition and has been distributed nationwide. Funeral services will be held Tuesday afternoon at two o'clock at the First Methodist Church of this city and burial will be in Fairview Cemetery, West 12th Street. Members of the staff who wish to attend the service will be excused for this purpose. The flag will be carried at half-mast during the half day of the funeral and the Campanile will be played Tuesday at 2:30 p.m. as an expression of our respect and admiration for the services she so generously rendered. 

Senate Minutes Docket No. 779 - May 27, 1963

The Faculty Senate met in the Faculty Room 3:00 p.m., Monday, May 27, 1963, Keefe presiding. 1. Dorothy Moon presented the following resolution: DORIS E. WHITE, In Memoriam Fellow teachers, alumnae, and students were saddened to hear of the death of Doris E, White, who was a teacher of physical education at the State College of Iowa for thirty-nine years. Miss White, who passed away at Friendship Haven in Fort Dodge on April 12, 1963, after a long illness, was recognized widely as one of the distinguished women of the faculty of this college. Although she had retired in 1953 from active service, those who knew her feel keenly the personal and professional loss to the community and the state. Miss White was a person of conviction sustained consistently by action. Her influence was strong among college students, especially those in the field of physical education. She aided former students who were teaching in the state through the Extension Service of the college, through her writing and speaking, and through continued personal friendships. Miss White's devotion to the welfare of children and her great sense of adult responsibility for their mental and physical development underlay all that she did. Enthusiasm for the out-of-doors led her to sponsor camping and other recreational activities, to provide leadership for the Girl Scout organization, and to participate actively in the local Audubon Club. 

Miss White graduated with a B. A. degree from Simpson College in 1911. She joined the faculty of the Iowa State Teachers College in 1915, having received an M. Di. degree from the college the previous year. In 1931 she received an M. A. degree from Teachers College, Columbia University. Her services to the college in women's physical education continued until retirement, often through her dual position as a supervisor of student teaching in the Campus School and as an instructor in theory and service classes in her department. In 1933-34 and again in 1935-36 she served as temporary head of the Department of Physical Education for Women. 

Miss White was a leader and active member of many campus organizations, and her dedication to her special field of education was recognized by many state and national groups. She was an early member of the American Association for Health, Physical Education, and Recreation and one of the founders of the Iowa section of this association. Of this latter organization she was president for one year and in 1953 was presented with an honor award for her many years of leadership in furthering physical education in the state. In 1954 the Central District, composed of nine adjoining states, recognized her with a similar citation. Doris White was a member of the National Honor Society of Delta Kappa Gamma. During 1932-34, when she was president of the Cedar Falls branch of the American Association of University Women, she aroused interest among the members and led a study of local recreational facilities. She was one of the original members of the Faculty Women's Club. Miss White, who was chairman of the local American Red Cross Chapter for many years, gave enthusiastic support to its swimming and life saving programs. With the late Dr. Monica Wild, she was co-author of the book, Physical Education for Elementary Schools, a pioneer text of its kind in the United States. She also shared authorship of two publications prepared for the State Department of Public Instruction. 

In gratitude for Miss White 's example of tireless devotion to young people and to the development of those activities which make for healthful and wholesome living for all, we offer this statement as a resolution to the Senate. We request that this memorial be included in the records of the Senate and that copies be sent to members of her family. Respectfully submitted: Dorothy Koehring, Thelma Short, Dorothy Moon Pendergraft moved that the resolution be made a part of the permanent minutes of the Senate and Faculty and that copies of the resolution be sent to members of the family. Motion was seconded by Anderson. Motion carried.