To: Instructional and Administrative Staff Members -- From: Office of the Dean of Instruction -- Date: 17 August 1964
Mrs. Cora Nelson, wife of Dr. Martin J. Nelson, Emeritus Dean of the College from 1934 to 1959, died Sunday afternoon at Okemos, Michigan. Mrs. Nelson had been ill for some time. The Nelsons had been living at Okemos since 1 July 1964. Previously Dr. Nelson had served for one year as Director of the Division of Teacher Education at C. W. Post College, Long Island, New York. Dr. and Mrs. Nelson lived in Glendale, Arizona, for four years following Dr. Nelson's retirement from the State College of Iowa in 1959.
Mrs. Nelson (Cora Jenson) was born at Houston, Minnesota, on August 4, 1894, the daughter of John William and Marie P. Jenson. She attended the North Dakota State Teachers College, Iowa State Teachers College., and the Colorado College of Fine Arts. She was a graduate of the Famous Artists School at Westport, Connecticut. She married Martin J. Nelson in 1919. In addition to Dr. Nelson she is survived by a son Morton J., an electronics engineer at the Magnavox Company at Ft. Wayne, Indiana, a daughter Joyce, a teacher in the East Lansing, Michigan, High School, and a granddaughter Carol, a student at Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Indiana. Funeral services will be held Wednesday, 19 August 1964, at 10:00 a.m. at the McComb Funeral Home in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. Burial will be at Ft. Wayne. The family requests no flowers. Friends wishing to do so may contribute to a scholarship fund in Mrs. Nelson's name. Contributions should be sent to Mr. Philip Jennings, Business Manager.