UNI Position

Roskens named NU president Ronald William Roskens, B. A. '53, M. A. 

"55 and his family are now comfortably residing in the University of Nebraska President's home in Lincoln after his appointment as president of the University of Nebraska system. The UNI social sciences graduate entered the Nebraska system in July 1972, as chancellor of the University of Nebraska at Omaha and became interim president in 1977. Prior to that, he was at Kent State University in several capacities beginning as dean of men and ending as executive vice-president. Roskens stated that his first obligations is to listen to and consult with a variety of constituencies on all three university campuses. The Nebraska system has a total enrollment of more an annual budget of approximately $250 million. A chancellor presides over each of the three campuses. In his new position, Roskens says his main objectives include "cultivation and maintenance of a positive environment and the provision of sufficient resources to fulfill the campuses' educational missions. We have tried to stress the importance of program coordination through the Central Administration while at the same time protecting and encouraging campus initiative." 

While Roskens concentrates much attention on planning and representing the University to external constituencies, he intends to strive to keep the institution "vibrant and responsive to the needs of the people of Nebraska." Roskens states his administration will be totally committed to maintaining Nebraska's strong tradition of providing quality education by continually strengthening its teaching, research, and public service functions. The native of Spencer, Iowa, remarks that his family "continues to appreciate the warm and generous nature of the people of Nebraska who, like Iowa residents, are keenly interested in the welfare of their university." Roskens earned an M. A. in guidance and counseling from UNI and a Ph. D. in educational psychology at the University of Iowa.

 Adapted by University Archivist Gerald L. Peterson from an article in The Alumnus, vol. 62, no. 3, page 19.