UNI Position
Industrial Arts Faculty

To: Members of the Faculty From: J. W. Maucker, President Date: August 9, 1965 

Dr. Raymond E. Matala, Associate Professor of Industrial Arts, died in Cook, Minnesota, Saturday at 7:00 o'clock a.m., August 7, 1965. Dr. Matala was born in Virginia, Minnesota, on August 30, 1912. He earned his B. S. and M. A. degrees at the University of Minnesota, and his Ed.D. degree in 1958 at the University of Oklahoma. He joined the staff at SCI in September 1948 and has taught continuously in the Industrial Arts Department since that time. Prior to this appointment he taught in Virginia and Bemidji, Minnesota and later served as a navy communications officer from 1942-1948. On August 20, 1952, he married Dorothy Miller, who was a Professor of Biology at SCI; her death occurred on December 13, 1962. Dr. Matala was a very capable and highly respected member of our staff. In 1948 he was communications coordinator for Cedar Falls for the Civil Defense Radio and from 1955 to 1957 he was technical advisor for Radio Station KYTC. He frequently taught a class of adult technicians in Waterloo. 

Services for Dr. Raymond Matala will be conducted in Cook, Minnesota, on Tuesday morning, August 10. On Wednesday, funeral services will be conducted at the Nelson Funeral Home in Cedar Falls with burial in Fairview Cemetery of this city. Dr. Matala is survived by two sisters--Mrs. George Nakari and Mrs. Walter Haryn, and a sister-in-law, Mrs. Arne Matala, all of Cook, Minnesota, and several nieces and nephews. The flag will be carried at half-mast Wednesday afternoon the day of the funeral. The Campanile will be played during the service in respect to the memory of Dr. Raymond Matala. The family has indicated that gifts contributed in memory of Dr. Matala be designated to the Heart Fund. 

Senate Minutes October 11, 1965 #837 2.



 The Chair recognized Willis Wagner who presented the following resolution: The death of Dr. Raymond E. Matala on August 7, 1965, was a shock to the Industrial Arts Department, as well as the entire college. Dr. Matala was born in Virginia, Minnesota, on August 30, 1912. He spent his boyhood in Virginia and acted as a guide for fishing and hunting parties. He was an excellent swimmer and while he was teaching at Virginia and Bemidji, Minnesota, he assisted in coaching swimming. During the war he served in the Navy as a communications officer from 1942-1948. He spent two years as a training officer for the Veterans Administration at the DeForest Training School and the Coyne Electrical School. Approximately 1700 to 3800 trainees were assigned to him. Since 1948 he was communications coordinator in Cedar Falls for the Civil Defense Radio and in 1955-57 he was technical advisor for radio station KYTC. He often taught classes for adult technicians in the field of radio and electronics in Waterloo, Iowa. Dr. Matala earned his Bachelor of Arts and his Master of Arts degrees at the University of Minnesota, and in 1958 earned his Ed. D. degree at the University of Oklahoma. In 1948 Dr. Matala became a member of the faculty of the State College of Iowa and taught continuously in the Department of Industrial Arts. He was a member of the Epsilon Pi Tau Industrial Arts honorary fraternity, and the Phi Delta Kappa fraternity. In 1964 he was awarded a 25-year pin for his service in the field of industrial arts by the Iowa Industrial Arts Association, Dr. Matala will be remembered by those who knew him well as a sincere, dedicated teacher, a man who lived his work, possessed enviable skills and knowledge in the field of radio and electronics, and was a valuable asset to his department. He was held in high regard by his students both as a professor and as a friend. His advice and counsel were often sought outside the classroom, as well as in, and he gave cheerfully of his time and talents. BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that we honor the memory of Raymond E. Matala, and that this resolution be placed on the records of the Senate, and that copies be sent to the members of his family expressing the gratitude of the faculty of the State College of Iowa for his service to the College, and to the State of Iowa. 

William E. Luck Willis H. Wagner Frank C. Hartwell, Chairman M. Holmes moved that the resolution be adopted. Winsberg seconded. Motion carried.