UNI Position
Laboratory School Faculty

Phyllis McCarthy dies at 57 

Miss Phyllis McCarthy, 57, long-time member of the State College of Iowa faculty, died in an Aberdeen, S.D., hospital after a lengthy illness April 2. An associate professor of teaching, Miss McCarthy joined the State College staff in 1947 as a teaching supervisor in the primary grades of the SCI Price Laboratory school, then the Campus School. Recognized as an outstanding elementary school educator, Miss McCarthy had taught first grade in the Laboratory school from 1954 until June of 1963, when she was granted a leave of absence because of her illness. She had taught in the South Dakota Public Schools and at Northern State Teachers College prior to her appointment at SCI. A graduate of Northern State Teachers College in Aberdeen, she had studied at Columbia Teachers College, Chicago University, and the University of Southern California. She earned the Master of Arts degree at the State University of Iowa, and did further graduate study at Colorado State College of Education. She had been active in professional organizations including the Iowa State Education Association, National Education Association, the Association for Student Teaching, and Phi Lambda Theta, educational scholastic organization. 

Miss McCarthy is survived by two brothers, Dr. Paul McCarthy of Aberdeen and Dr. Justin McCarthy of Cincinnati, Ohio, and two sisters, Mrs. Berneice O'Halloran of Chicago, Ill., and Miss Ruth McCarthy of Aberdeen. A memorial fund has been established at the Department of Teaching at the College. 

Phyllis McCarthy In Memoriam 



With the death of Phyllis Ann McCarthy on April 2, 1964, the State College of Iowa lost a dedicated teacher, a strong professional leader, and a vibrant personality whose courage inspired all who knew her. Miss McCarthy was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, on May 8, 1906. She graduated from Northern State Teachers College at Aberdeen, South Dakota, and received the Master of Arts degree from the State University of Iowa in 1947. Further graduate study was done at Teachers College, Columbia University, the University of Chicago, the University of Southern California, and the Colorado State College of Education. Miss McCarthy taught in the primary grades of Aberdeen, South Dakota for a number of years. 

During part of this time she served as a supervisor of student teachers from Northern State Teachers College. She also served as a reading consultant at Madison State Teachers College in Madison, South Dakota, previous to her appointment as a member of the Department of Teaching at the State College of Iowa in 1947. She was appointed an Associate Professor of Teaching in 1961. The Instructional program of the Malcolm Price Laboratory School and the entire area of laboratory experience for future teachers have been strongly influenced by her practical educational philosophy, enlightened vision, and constructive evaluation. Her feeling of empathy with children, college students, and parents reflected the characteristics of master teacher. Her clear vision enabled her to focus on significant factors in a situation, and her efforts were always directed to clear-cut action. The entire college has profited by her educational foresight. 

Her influence as an educator extended far beyond the college community. Because her skill as a teacher and supervisor had been recognized throughout the state of Iowa, she was often called upon to assist other schools in the capacity of speaker, demonstrator, and advisor. Miss McCarthy's influence was further extended by her contributions to educational publications. Enthusiasm for both work and play, a ready Irish wit, a fine sense of humor, compassion for others, her dedication to her fellowman and a deep sense of religious conviction were some of Miss McCarthy's outstanding characteristics. The magnificent courage shown as she resolutely set aside her own physical welfare and unstintingly gave of herself was an inspiration to all. It is our wish to honor the memory of Phyllis Ann McCarthy with this tribute. We ask that this memorial be placed on the records of the Senate, and that copies be sent to her brothers and sisters. 

Respectfully submitted, Laura Gilloley Eleanor McBride Richard Lattin